Pew Research Center Methods team R package of miscellaneous functions
A data standard to enable right-of-way regulation and two-way communication between mobility companies and local governments.
This R package can be used to compile and evaluate Water Quality Portal (WQP) data for samples collected from surface water monitoring sites on streams and lakes. It can be used to create applicati…
Utilities for working with data from PurpleAir sensors
R package that allows for access to particulate matter 2.5 data from the Atmospheric Composition Analysis Group (ACAG) at Washington University at state, county, and census tract levels in the cont…
Code for creating Glocal aggregations data
Access daily climate data from GridMet over CONUS
Python implementation for scraping daily GoogleTrends data over long time periods
US H-1B Visa Lottery and Petition Data FY 2021 - FY 2024
This is the website of the pedestrian level heat exposure mapping and modeling.
Access national high-quality and open-access datasets on movement patterns derived from mobile telephone datasets / Accede y usa datos nacionales abiertos sobre movimientos basados en teléfonos móv…