Matrix / General Private Comms
bridge between mattermost, IRC, gitter, xmpp, slack, discord, telegram, rocketchat, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip, whatsapp, keybase, matrix, microsoft teams, nextcloud, mumble, vk and more with REST API…
Highly configurable multi-domain media repository for Matrix.
🐳 Matrix (An open network for secure, decentralized communication) server setup using Ansible and Docker
Admin console for synapse Matrix homeserver
signal-cli provides an unofficial commandline, JSON-RPC and dbus interface for the Signal messenger.
Collaborative office suite, end-to-end encrypted and open-source.
Synapse: Matrix homeserver written in Python/Twisted.
Generic modular bot for Matrix (and via it irc, telegram, slack, etc..)
cryptgeon is a secure, open source note / file sharing service inspired by PrivNote written in rust & svelte.