MDUT - Multiple Database Utilization Tools
猫猫Cs:基于Cobalt Strike[4.5]二开 (原dogcs二开移植)
Extract and decrypt browser data, supporting multiple data types, runnable on various operating systems (macOS, Windows, Linux).
PEASS - Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE (with colors)
Scripted Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Checks
Cobalt Strike Malleable C2 Design and Reference Guide
SSH-Snake is a self-propagating, self-replicating, file-less script that automates the post-exploitation task of SSH private key and host discovery.
Impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols.
PingRAT secretly passes C2 traffic through firewalls using ICMP payloads.
本项目是一个远程控制应用,使用 Golang 开发,允许用户通过 Web 界面远程控制和屏幕监控其他计算机。主要功能包括屏幕共享、鼠标和键盘控制以及键盘记录。
Repository for my flipper zero badUSB payloads. Now almost entirely plug and play.