- Merged pull request #44.
- More improvements on multi monitor environment with different DPI on Windows.
- Increased mouse hit test precision on Windows and Linux.
- Fixed some bugs related to save and restore position on close and re-open window on secondary monitor.
- Fixed bug that may show a black border on Linux with Wayland. #40
- Other bug fixes.
- Some functions are deprecated and QGoodWindow are no longer based on margins but on masks.
- Automatic window re-scale on DPI change is now supported. #34
- Lots of improvements on multi monitor environment with different DPI on Windows.
- To solve incompatibility with native event filter, qgoodintptr can be used with both Qt 5 and Qt 6.
- Updated Linux dependencies, they are listed in docs.
- QShowEvent and QHideEvent are sent properly on Windows.
- windowFlags() behaves correctly on fixed size window on Linux.
- QGoodWindow close() function returns if the close event is accepted or not as is in QMainWindow.
- Added possibility to hide caption buttons on QGoodCentralWidget.
- Added possibility to build library with QGoodWindow and without QGoodCentralWidget on CMake.
- Moved titleBarRect() function from QGoodCentralWidget to QGoodWindow.
- Fixed bug on Windows secondary screen that shows wrong shadow position on high DPI. #32
- Fixed bug related to customized QDialog's crash on exit.
- Fixed bug that bad scales caption buttons icons on high DPI environments. #31
- Fixed bug that won't close child windows on exit.
- Fixed crash on GoodShowCaseQML example when closing. #36
- Other bug fixes.
- The library automatically adapts to primary screen DPI. #25
- Improved compilation as shared or static library with QMake, the include headers contains the proper defines. #26
- The caption buttons icons are now SVG instead of PNG.
- Copied behavior of QWidget setWindowState and not apply state when the window is not visible.
- Fixed bug that shows the shadow unexpectedly.
- Fixed bug related to alignment that makes impossible compiling when no_qgoodwindow is set on Windows. #24
- Fixed bug that makes the window blank on close on Windows.
- Fixed bug with mouse position on caption buttons in modal QDialog on macOS.
- Fixed bug that not centers correctly QGoodWindow children's.
- Other bug fixes.
- Fixed bug that not shows the window icon set by the application.
- Added possibility to place title also on center or right side of the title bar on QGoodCentralWidget.
- Added possibility to place widgets on center of the title bar on QGoodCentralWidget.
- Added possibility to unify title bar and central widget on QGoodCentralWidget.
- Added possibility to build QGoodWindow as shared or static library. #9
- Copied behavior of QMainWindow that always center QDialog to parent on QDialog show. #23
- Fixed bug that uses wrong geometry on saveGeometry() making window grows when geometry is restored. #21
- Fixed bug that makes title bar widgets unable to receive focus.
- Fixed bug that makes impossible compiling when no_qgoodwindow is set. #22
- Fixed bug that show buttons on full screen restore on macOS.
- Fixed bug that prevent from showing correct layout spacing on macOS.
- Other bug fixes.
- Added CMake build system support. #18
- Added QGoodCentralWidget as a separate module to make easier manage QGoodWindow.
- Added qGoodStateHolder macro to QGoodWindow module to handle dark and light modes application wide.
- Added Light and Dark fusion themes to QGoodWindow module.
- Added possibility to modal QDialog also have customized title bar and borders.
- Fixed problems when window receives focus back from modal QDialog.
- isActiveWindow() returns true also if active window is a children of the window.
- Prevent from resize widgets while the window is not is visible.
- Improved resize border on Linux, that respects the current window stack.
- Implemented functions to save and restore window state as is in QMainWindow. #15
- Fixed bug that prevents process to exit on last window close on Windows.
- API windowFlags() returns correct flags for the QGoodWindow.
- QMessageBox uses the up-to-date icons on Windows.
- Fixed warning while building on Linux related to GTK.
- Fixed bug that prevents interact with the window after moving on Qt 6.
- Fixed bug with high DPI scaling in Qt 6. #19
- Other bug fixes.
- Added support for Qt 6. #3
- Added support for Windows 11 rounded corners.
- Added support for Windows 11 caption buttons show text and Snap window on maximize button.
- Added API to see if OS is in Dark mode or not.
- Added SIGNAL to notify when OS theme changes from Dark and Light modes.
- Added API to show when borders must be drawn by OS.
- Added support for central widget self resize, like resize with QSizeGrip.
- Fixed focus bug when window gains and loses focus on Windows. #8
- Other bug fixes.
- Added mask possibility to QGoodWindow margins. #1
- Fixed QWidget focus bugs when the window gets and lose focus.
- Move QGoodWindow to another screen changes it's QScreen information, and full screen works correctly on multiple monitors on Windows. #4
- Fixed bugs when Qt::AA_NativeWindows is set or QWidget::winId() is called on Windows preventing the window from being moved. #5
- Fixed bug that sometimes not shows the correct mouse cursor on Linux.
- Fixed bug that on some Linux distributions shows undesired rounded corners on the window.
- QGoodWindow::frameGeometry() now reports the correct window geometry on Windows even when maximized.
- Added qgoodwindow CONFIG for qmake.
- The API QGoodWindow::setClearColor() was removed and now clear color should be passed directly to class constructor.
- Other bug fixes.
- Added support for Linux and macOS.
- Fixed bug that crashes application on QCoreApplication::exit(). #2
- Added support for multiple windows on the same process.
- Other bug fixes.