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Yet Another Robot Platform
YARP is a library and toolkit for communication and device interfaces, used on everything from humanoids to embedded devices.
See full instructions at http://www.yarp.it/install.html
- On Linux:
sudo apt-get install cmake libace-dev
git clone https://github.com/robotology/yarp
cd yarp && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
sudo make install # Optional
On Windows:
Binaries at https://github.com/robotology/yarp/releases
On macOS:
brew install robotology/formulae/yarp
Regular YARP builds use the ACE library.
On Linux and macOS, YARP can be compiled without ACE by adding -DSKIP_ACE=TRUE
when running cmake.
There's a comprehensive list of tutorials here:
Material included in YARP is Copyright of Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), RobotCub Consortium and other contributors.
- Most YARP components are released under the terms of the BSD-3-Clause.
- Some components are released under the BSD-3-Clause, but use LGPL 3rd party libraries, therefore they have to be considered LGPL if these libraries are linked statically.
- Some components are released under the terms of the LGPL license, version 2.1 or later.
- A few optional parts of YARP are released under the terms of the GPL license,
version 2 or later:
- libYARP_math uses the GNU Scientific Library, under the GPL.
- devices urbtc, vfw, dimax_u2c have components that are under the GPL.
See the file COPYING and LICENSE files for details.
and more