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Alovoa aims to be the first widespread open-source dating web application on the web. What differs this from other platform?
- No ads
- No selling your data
- No paid features (no "pay super-likes", "pay to swipe", "pay to view profile" or "pay to start a chat")
- No unsecure servers
- No closed-source libraries
- No seeing people you don't want to see
- Encrypting your most private data
- Home view
- Profile view and edit
- Registration
- Login
- Search and filter
- Liking user
- Hiding user
- Blocking user
- Reporting user
- View details of user
- Chat view and functions
- Donation view and functions
- Resetting password
- GDPR compliance (see saved data, delete all data)
- PWA compability
- Alerts in home upon registration
- Alerts in login when not successful
- Translations
- Logging
- Integration Tests
- Install a JDK (OpenJDK 8 is officially supported)
- Install maven:
- Setup a database (MariaDB is officially supported)
- (Optional) Setup an email server
- Enter credentials for database server, email server and encryption keys in
- Execute "mvn install" in the folder where the pom.xml resides.
- All code not otherwise stated is licensed under the AGPLv3 license.
- Images (except the official logo, which is still WIP) are public domain.
- Third-party web libraries can be found under resources/css/lib and resources/js/lib and have their own license.
- Third-party Java libraries can be found in the pom.xml and have their own license.