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Various C code/libraries for processing the PicoQuant data file formats efficiently.


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#Time Tagged Data Processing#

This is a collection of programs intended for parsing PicoQuant data files, converting them to a format that's easier to work with, and doing some processing on them.

Specifically, these programs are written for speed and are intended for parsing large numbers of records very quickly. As such, they are somewhat bare-bones.

Basic installation instructions

  1. Download the latest version: picoquant.tar.gz

  2. Unzip the .tar.gz into its own folder:

    % tar -xvzf picoquant.tar.gz

    % cd picoquant

  3. Install the software. Commands are:

     % mkdir build 
     % cd build
     % cmake ..
     % make
     % sudo make install

Depending on your system 'sudo' may be optional in the last command.

Summary of Tools

G2 Instructions

To run a g2 (really, a cross correlation since they're not normalized):

  1. Convert your file from .pt2 (or .pt3, .ht2, or .ht3) to .ttd files:

     % pq-ttd -i [your file] -o [prefix for per-channel files]

    Note that this breaks out a single file in to one 'ttd' file per channel of the source data.

    'ttd' stands for 'Time Tagged Data' and is the local format the software convert to; it's just a binary file where each 64-bit block is an unsigned integer corresponding to a photon record. This makes the data processing much nicer by decoupling the parsing of PicoQuant's convoluted file format from the correlation calculations.

  2. Run the cross correlation:

     % ttd-g2 -b [bin time] -w [corelation window time] -1 [channel 1 ttd file] -2 [channel 2 ttd file] -o [output csv]

    All times are in picoseconds. Note that here (and for ttd-g3, ttd-g4, and ttd-delay), you can pass in times on the command line in (integer) scientific notation. That is, for a window of 50 nanoseconds you can either pass '-w 50000' or '-w 5e4'.

  3. Process the data. The csv file from the previous point has two columns; the first corresponds to the bin time, the second corresponds to the number of counts in that bin. I prefer MATLAB for quick plotitng:

     >> data = csvread('crosscorr.csv');
     >> figure;
     >> plot(data(:,1), data(:,2);

Output Format

The output file is a csv file with the first column corresponding to the centers of the time bins (in picoseconds) and the second column corresponding to the number of counts in that bin. The times are [arrival on channel 2] - [arrival on channel 1] so photons in the file supplied with the '-2' flag that arrive after those in the '-1' file will have a positive time correlation.

G3 Notes

Running a g3 or g4 correlation is effectively the same as running a g2. You just have to modify the command to be ttd-g3 or ttd-g4 and give it the extra files:

% ttd-g3 -b [bin time] -w [corelation window time] -1 [c1.ttd] -2 [c2.ttd] -3 [c3.ttd] -o [output csv]


% ttd-g4 -b [bin time] -w [corelation window time] -1 [c1.ttd] -2 [c2.ttd] -3 [c3.ttd] -4 [c4.ttd] -o [output csv]

In case you forget these incantations, just run the program with the flag '--help' to output documentation. For example:

% ttd-g3 --help
Usage: ttd-g3 [-1 in1.ttd] [-2 in2.ttd] [-3 in3.ttd] [-o output_file]
          [-b bin_time] [-w window_time]
	-b (--bin-time):	Specified in picoseconds
	-w (--window-time):	Window time in picoseconds
Other options:
	-v (--verbose):		Enable verbose output to stdout
	-h (--help):		Print this help dialog
	-V (--version):		Print program version

Output Format

Unlike the g2, which is one dimensional data, the g3 needs both dimensions of the csv file. As such, it outputs a seperate file with '-times' appended before the '.csv' of the filename. That is, if you pass the flag '-o crosscorr.csv' it will create both crosscorr.csv and crosscorr-times.csv. The latter will be have the center time of each bin, in order.

The csv file itself is written such that lines correspond to tau1 and columns correspond to tau2. That is, the times on line 1 all have the same offset from the events in file passed with '-2' to the file passed with '-1'.

G4 Notes

As mentioned above, the running a g4 is basically the same as a g3 or g2. The only important difference is that, because CSV files can only hold two-dimensional data, it outputs one CSV file per time bin, so you need to work with lots of files, unfortunately. Future versions will probably take advantage of the HDF5 file format to store multi-dimensional data.

Output Format

When running a g4 autocorrelation, it outputs one CSV file per slice. I find it best to make a folder called 'csvs' or equivalent and pass in the output name as '-o csvs/[filename.csv]'. It will then create csvs/filename-0.csv through csvs/filename-[num_bins-1].csv in that folder, along with [filename-times.csv], as before. Each file corresponds to a constant tau3, with the individual files being in the same format of the g3; rows are tau1, columns are tau2.

Correcting for Time Offsets

It's best if the offsets between the different channels are corrected for in the PicoQuant software ahead of time; it's kind of a pain to correct the data afterword. However, since it's often necessary, I've included a program that makes this somewhat easier. The program ttd-delay takes in a ttd file and writes a new one, with all the timestamps shifted by some number of picoseconds. For example,

% ttd-delay -i chan1.ttd -o chan1-del.ttd -T 512

would produce a file with all records shifted forwards in time by 512ps.

I've found the best way to figure out which offsets to apply is to run a g2 between the channels (assuming you have correlated inputs) and detect the difference that way.

Other Notes

Included in this package are a few other tools that might be of use:

  • ttd-merge combines two ttd files in to a single set of arrrival times (still in order). This is more useful when you have HydraHarp data with more than 2 channels.

  • ttd-dump prints the times of each record in the file, one per line. This isn't recommended except for debugging. e.g.

      % ttd-dump blah.ttd | head -n 50

    will let you quickly check the first 50 records from the file.


Various C code/libraries for processing the PicoQuant data file formats efficiently.







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