Convert SVG rects
to a single path string.
I needed to generate PDF documents for printing onto labels media. Some of the labels need barcodes, and I wanted everything to be vector, no bitmaps. I decided to use PDF Kit which can use SVG path strings to draw vector shapes. So I needed a way to generate an SVG barcode and get an SVG path string to feed to .path()
Only one dependency: xmldom.
npm install srtps
import srtps from 'srtps'
const svg = `<svg><rect width='4' height='28' x='10' y='10' /></svg>`
const path = srtps.rectsToPath(svg)
console.log(path) // M 10.000 10.000 L 14.000 10.000 L 14.000 38.000 L 10.000 38.000 Z
import bardcode from 'bardcode'
import PDFKit from 'pdfkit'
import srtps from 'srtps'
const svg = bardcode.drawBarcode('svg', '12345', {})
const path = srtps.rectsToPath(svg)
const pdf = new PDFKit()
- Borrowed some maths from sstp (hat tip!)