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Data Structures


Welcome to CSCI 2110 - Computer Science III, a core course in your second year CS curriculum. The course focuses on two important concepts in Computer Science, namely, Data Structures and Algorithms. We will study, design, implement and analyze a number of data structures such as linked lists, stacks, queues, binary trees, AVL trees, heaps, hash tables, maps, sets, and graphs. Algorithms on data structures will include a variety of searching, sorting and graph algorithms. Complexity of algorithms will also be discussed and analyzed. The implementation will be done using an object-oriented approach.

Instructor: Dr. Srini Sampalli


Big O complexity - Various programs of different n sizes.

Binary Tree - Test methods for Binary Tree Searching.

Binary Search Tree - Testing methods for BSTs.

Generics - Queue and Stack implementations.

Grade Calculator - Calculates median and mean of input Grades.

Hashing - Creating Hash Tables using randomly generated Keys.

HeapTests - Making Methods and Demo's for various Heap operations.

Lattice Paths - Size and Combinations.

Linked Lists - Testing various features, Geo Quiz game made with them.

NHL - Uses linked lists method to find MVP, Most Agressive player, etc..

Object Overlay - Objects with methods for touching, containing etc..

Recursion - Various recursive test methods.

String Matching - Finds DNA sequence matches using strings.

Walking ALG - Jumps between two lists and orders them according to value.