Hard- and software platform with its own TCP/IP stack on a PIC18F microcontroller
Documentation can be found here: https://stgloorious.github.io/EthernetDevBoard.X/
CircuitMaker Project: https://circuitmaker.com/Projects/Details/Stefan-Gloor/Ethernet-Development-Board
Due to the increased market demand of internet-enabled devices it has become a preferable skill for engineers to be familiar with the basic principles of a network. I created this Ethernet Development Board as a learning platform for myself to develop network-enabled hardware and software. It offers a stand-alone solution with an 100Base-TX Ethernet Controller (ENC424J600) which can be used in conjuction with the on-board microcontroller (PIC18F25K50). Alternatively, the board can also be used as a daughterboard for an Altera DE0-nano FPGA board to add 100Base-TX Ethernet functionalities to it.
To really understand what's going on I wanted to create my own IP stack, so here we are :)