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deliver electronic mail with scala from the future


This is a Scala wrapper to JavaMail, forked from softprops/courier with the following updates:

  • Incorporated other pull requests, especially ability to set the SSL flag
  • Better handling of multipart messages
  • Upgraded to the latest JavaMail version (1.5.5)
  • Temporarily removed bintray stuff from build.sbt


Via the copy and paste method

resolvers += "softprops-maven" at ""

libraryDependencies += "me.lessis" %% "courier" % "0.1.3"

Via a more civilized method which will do the same without all the manual work.

> ls-install courier

Note. If you are a bintray-sbt user you can optionally specify the resolver as

resolvers += bintray.Opts.resolver.repo("softprops", "maven")


deliver electronic mail via gmail

import courier._, Defaults._
val mailer = Mailer("", 587)
               .as("[email protected]", "p@$$w3rd")
mailer(Envelope.from("you" `@` "")
        .to("mom" `@` "")
        .cc("dad" `@` "")
        .subject("miss you")
        .content(Text("hi mom"))).onSuccess {
          case _ => println("message delivered")

mailer(Envelope.from("you" `@` "")
         .to("boss" `@` "")
         .subject("tps report")
           .html("<html><body><h1>IT'S IMPORTANT</h1></body></html>")))
           .onSuccess {
             case _ => println("delivered report")

If using SSL/TLS instead of STARTTLS, substitute .startTls(true) with .ssl(true) when setting up the Mailer.


Since courier is based on JavaMail, you can use Mock JavaMail to execute your tests. Simply add the following to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "org.jvnet.mock-javamail" % "mock-javamail" % "1.9" % "test"

Having this in your test dependencies will automatically enable Mock JavaMail during tests. You can then test for email sends, etc.

import courier._
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import scala.concurrent.duration._

// Need NoTimeConversions to prevent conflict with scala.concurrent.duration._
class MailSpec extends Specification with NoTimeConversions {
  "the mailer" should {
  	"send an email" in {
  	  val mailer = Mailer("localhost", 25)
  	  val future = mailer(Envelope.from("[email protected]")
          	.to("[email protected]")
          	.cc("[email protected]")
          	.subject("miss you")
          	.content(Text("hi mom")))
          Await.ready(future, 5.seconds)
          val momsInbox = Mailbox.get("[email protected]")
          momsInbox.size === 1
          val momsMsg = momsInbox.get(0)
          momsMsg.getContent === "hi mom"
          momsMsg.getSubject === "miss you"

Here is an excellent article on using Mock JavaMail.

Doug Tangren (softprops) 2013