- java 7 or later
- maven 3.3 or later
cd java
mvn install
Gandiva cpp must be built before this step. The cpp build directory must be provided as the value for argument eg.
cd java
mvn install -P gandiva -pl gandiva -am
This library is still in Alpha stages, and subject to API changes without deprecation warnings.
Arrow Java follows the Google style guide here with the following differences:
- Imports are grouped, from top to bottom, in this order: static imports, standard Java, org.*, com.*
- Line length can be up to 120 characters
- Operators for line wrapping are at end-of-line
- Naming rules for methods, parameters, etc. have been relaxed
- Disabled
, andVariableDeclarationUsageDistance
due to the existing code base. These rules should be followed when possible.
Refer to `java/dev/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml for rule specifics.
When running tests, Arrow Java uses the Logback logger with SLF4J. By default,
Logback has a log level set to DEBUG. Besides setting this level
programmatically, it can also be configured with a file named either
"logback.xml" or "logback-test.xml" residing in the classpath. The file
location can also be specified in the Maven command line with the following
option -Dlogback.configurationFile=file:<absolute-file-path>
. A sample
logback.xml file is available in java/dev
with a log level of ERROR. Arrow
Java can be built with this file using the following command run in the project
root directory:
mvn -Dlogback.configurationFile=file:`pwd`/dev/logback.xml
See Logback Configuration for more details.