This folder contains Dockerfile's for building Docker images for the 3 different components of a Labgrid distributed infrastructure.
- labgrid-coordinator An image for with crossbar which can be used to run a Labgrid coordinator instance.
- labgrid-client An image with the Labgrid client tools and pytest integration.
- labgrid-exporter An image with the Labgrid exporter tools.
To build one of the above images,
you need to run the docker build
command in the root of this repository.
Example showing how to build labgrid-client image:
$ docker build --target labgrid-client -t labgrid-client -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile .
Using BuildKit is recommended to reduce build times.
You can also choose to build all 3 images, with the included script.
$ pip install --upgrade setuptools_scm
$ ./dockerfiles/
The script supports podman
as well.
$ export DOCKER=podman
$ ./dockerfiles/
It builds for the native platform by default. However, building for foreign platforms is also supported using docker buildx <> or podman buildx <> by passing the platform of choice, e.g. linux/arm64.
$ pip install --upgrade setuptools_scm
$ ./dockerfiles/ linux/arm64
All 3 images are to be considered base images with the required software installed. No policy or configuration is done.
The labgrid-coordinator comes with a preconfigured server.
It listens to port 20408, so you probably want to publish that so you can talk to the coordinator.
State is written to /opt/crossbar
You might want to bind a volume to that
so you can restart the service without loosing state.
$ docker run -t -p 20408:20408 -v $HOME/crossbar:/opt/crossbar \
The labgrid-client image can be used to
run labgrid-client
and pytest
For example listing available places registered at coordinator at
$ docker run -e LG_CROSSBAR=ws:// labgrid-client \
labgrid-client places
Or running all pytest/labgrid tests at current directory:
$ docker run -e LG_CROSSBAR=ws:// labgrid-client \
The labgrid-exporter image runs a labgrid-exporter and optionally an ser2net service.
Configuration is not included, but needs to be bind mounted to /opt/conf/exporter.yaml and /opt/conf/ser2net.conf (optional).
Start it with something like:
$ docker run -e LG_CROSSBAR=ws:// \
-v $HOME/exporter-conf:/opt/conf \
If using ser2net or if "exporting" e.g. a serial device, the devices needed must be added to Docker container
(docker run --device
Moreover, if using udev this must be mounted in as well: docker run -v run/udev:/run/udev:ro
The staging
folder contains a docker compose based example setup, where the images described above are used to
create a setup with the following instances
- coordinator
- exporter
- client
- dut
The environment serves both to allow checking if the environment still function after changes, and can act as an example how to configure the docker images needed to run a minimal setup.
To use the staging environment to conduct a smoke test first build the images as instructed below:
$ pip install --upgrade setuptools_scm
$ ./dockerfiles/
Then use docker compose to start all services except the client:
$ cd dockerfiles/staging
$ CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g) docker-compose up -d coordinator exporter dut
To run the smoke test just run the client:
$ docker-compose up client