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Bulk silicon example using phonons from VTST tools

This example requires VTST tools version XXX or higher, download here.

Unit cell parameters were taken from the phonopy example folder. Silicon unit cell contains 8 atoms, thus 24 frequencies (phonons), three acoustic close to zero.

For this example script version [XXX] ( was used.

Raman intensities for all modes will be computed in one go. For the multi-step procedure see Cyclopentadiene example.

Working directory should contain the following files (FAT file system has different soft linking ways):

KPOINTS      - just kpoints (soft link of the KPOINTS file from the PHONON folder, to prevent errors)
freq.dat     - contains frequencies (soft link of the freq.dat file from the PHONON folder)
modes_sqrt_amu.dat - contains eigenvectors/sqrt(mass in amu) (soft link of the modes_sqrt_amu.dat file from the PHONON folder)
POSCAR.phon  - VASP4 or VASP5 format is supported, at this point only positive scales are supported (soft link of the POSCAR file from the PHONON folder)
POTCAR       - `PAW_PBE Si 05Jan2001` PP (soft link to the POTCAR file from the PHONON folder)
raman.sub    - shell script for the scheduler to *do the deed*

Obtaining phonons using vtst tools

  1. Run in the PHONON folder to generate DISPLACECAR. Need to make sure that all atoms in the unit cell are found, in this case 8:
perl ~/vtstscripts/ POSCAR 8 3.87 0.001
Using 1 central atom
Central Coordinates: 0.6250000000000000 0.6250000000000000 0.1250000000000000 
Central atom 1: 0.6250000000000000 0.6250000000000000 0.1250000000000000 
8 atoms were found within a radius of 3.87 of atom 8, 
leading to 24 degrees of freedom selected.

Be sure to check the INCAR file for the correct vtst settings (

! phonons
ICHAIN = 1      ! Run the dynamical matrix code
! IMAGES  M     ! Number of parallel images, if desired as in step 2 above; otherwise, do not add.
NSW = 25        ! (DOF/M)+1   Number of ionic steps
IBRION =   3    ! Tell VASP to run dynamics,
POTIM  = 0.0    ! with a time step of zero (ie, do nothing)
ISYM = 0        ! Make sure that symmetry is off,
EDIFFG = -1E-10 ! and that vasp does not quit due to low forces

Once phonons are obtained, we need to generate freq.dat and modes_sqrt_amu.dat, that are equivalent to the information obtained from the OUTCAR in the the case of phonons calculation using VASP:

python ~/vtstscripts/ DISPLACECAR OUTCAR 
Number of displacements: 24
Reading OUTCAR
Building dynamical matrix
Diagonalizing matrix
    0.219483 cm^{-1} ... 1 
    0.023661 cm^{-1} ... 1 
    0.005978 cm^{-1} ... 1 
  145.585614 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  145.750931 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  145.783401 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  145.804204 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  145.823087 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  145.832016 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  402.135683 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  402.137959 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  402.145976 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  402.146508 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  402.150628 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  402.154078 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  447.963957 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  448.030348 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  448.143871 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  448.245366 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  448.402489 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  448.497029 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  504.414547 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  504.447782 cm^{-1} ... 0 
  504.483568 cm^{-1} ... 0 

Phonons look good, similar to those obtained from VASP (Sibulk-VASP example).

Now we are ready to compute Raman intensities.

Contents of the raman.sub, note that modes are giving in the increasing order, contrary to VASP:

#PBS -A ONRDC17403171
#PBS -l select=5:ncpus=32:mpiprocs=32
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -q debug
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -N Si_bulk-Raman-VTST


ulimit -s unlimited  # remove limit on stack size

export VASP_RAMAN_RUN='aprun -B /u/afonari/vasp.5.3.2/vasp.5.3/vasp &> job.out'
export VASP_RAMAN_PARAMS='04_24_2_0.01'

python /u/afonari/ > vasp_raman.out

Submit all calculations to the scheduler:

qsub raman.sub

Similar to the Sibulk-VASP example...

After the job finished, a lot of OUTCAR files have been created (strictly speaking 42... the answer??!), vasp_raman.dat will contain Raman activities for the future processing (for example with gnuplot).


From experiment, Raman spectrum of the bulk silicon contains only one intense peak at around 520 cm-1 (J.H. Parker, et al., Phys Rev, 155, 712 (1967)), vasp_raman.dat contains:

# mode    freq(cm-1)    alpha    beta2    activity
004   145.58561  -0.0001635   0.0000028   0.0000206
005   145.75093  -0.0000817   0.0000009   0.0000064
006   145.78340  -0.0000000   0.0000008   0.0000054
007   145.80420   0.0002044   0.0000003   0.0000039
008   145.82309   0.0000409   0.0000002   0.0000018
009   145.83202   0.0002861   0.0000011   0.0000114
010   402.13568  -0.0016350   0.0015959   0.0112915
011   402.13796  -0.0105863   0.0002777   0.0069868
012   402.14598  -0.0084200   0.0000903   0.0038223
013   402.14651  -0.0000817   0.0000081   0.0000572
014   402.15063   0.0021254   0.0011882   0.0085204
015   402.15408  -0.0058450   0.0007709   0.0069335
016   447.96396  -0.0002861   0.0001196   0.0008405
017   448.03035  -0.0018802   0.0008435   0.0060639
018   448.14387  -0.0018393   0.0039953   0.0281196
019   448.24537  -0.0024116   0.0011679   0.0084368
020   448.40249   0.0025751   0.0001548   0.0013818
021   448.49703  -0.0000817   0.0002679   0.0018757
022   504.41455  -0.0006540  780.5241570  5463.6691183
023   504.44778  -0.0008175  780.5880251  5464.1162060
024   504.48357  -0.0215814  779.9106481  5459.3954955

Triple degenerate mode at 504 cm-1 has the largest intensity.

Download complete example.


Shannon Stauffer (UT Austin, PI: G. Henkelman): Email.
Alexandr Fonari (Georgia Tech, PIs: J.-L. Bredas/V. Coropceanu): Email