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Build Images

Lets build and push all images to a registry and then create deployments.

Note : You can use images from quay and skip the build image section.

  • The image tag would be same as release tag. You can check the latest release here

  • For example:

    • UI Image:

    • DB Migration Image:

    • API Image:

UI Image

Ensure you are in ui directory and logged in you image registry.

docker build -t <image> . && docker push <image>

Replace <image> with the registry and image name. eg.<username>/ui

API & DB Migration Image

Ensure you are in api directory and logged in you image registry.

Build the API image using below command

docker build -t <image> . && docker push <image>

Replace <image> with the registry and image name. eg.<username>/api

Now, Build the Db migration image using below command

docker build -f db.Dockerfile -t <image> . && docker push <image>

Replace <image> with the registry and image name. eg.<username>/db-migration

Make sure all images are public before creating deployments.

NOTE: In case of using Github Enterprise make sure you deploy Hub in the same network where Github Enterprise server is running. Example if your Github Enterprise is running behind VPN then your Kubernetes Cluster should also be behind VPN.

Deploy Database

Now, we have all images pushed to registry. Lets deploy the database first.

Navigate to config directoy in the root of the project.

Execute below command

kubectl apply -f 00-init/ -n tekton-hub

This will create tekton-hub namespace, db deployment with postgres image, secret to save db credentials, pvc for the db and a ClusterIP service to expose the db internally.

All resources are created in tekton-hub namespace.

Wait till the pod comes in a running state

kubectl get pod -n tekton-hub -w

Run Db migration

Once the pod is in running state now we can run db migration. This will create all the tables required in the database.

Edit the 01-db/10-db-migration.yaml and add the replace the image you created previously and apply the yaml.

kubectl apply -f 01-db/10-db-migration.yaml -n tekton-hub

This will create a job which will read the db credentials from the secret created while deploying database and create all required tables.

$ kubectl get pods -n tekton-hub
NAME                   READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
db-589d44fdd5-ksf8v    1/1     Running     0          50s
db-migration-8vhpd     0/1     Completed   0          17s

The Pod will go into Completed state if the job succeeds. You can also check the logs using kubectl logs -n tekton-hub db-migration-8vhpd. In case of any failure the Pod will go into Error state.

$ kubectl get pods -n tekton-hub
NAME                   READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
db-589d44fdd5-ksf8v    1/1     Running     0          50s
db-migration-8vhpd     0/1     Error       0          17s

Deploy API Service

Update API Secret

Edit 02-api/20-api-secret.yaml and update the configuration

  • Create a GitHub OAuth with Homepage URL and Authorization callback URL as http://localhost:5000. We will update this URL once we deploy the UI pod. Follow the steps given here to create a GitHub OAuth.
  • After creating the OAuth add the Client ID and Client Secret in the yaml file.
  • For JWT_SIGNING_KEY, you can add any random string, this is used to sign the JWT created for users.
  • For ACCESS_JWT_EXPIRES_IN and REFRESH_JWT_EXPIRES_IN add time you want the jwt to be expired in. Refresh time should be greater than Access time. eg. 1m = 1 minute, 1h = 1 hour, 1d = 1 day
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: api
  namespace: tekton-hub
type: Opaque
  GH_CLIENT_ID: Oauth client id
  GH_CLIENT_SECRET: Oauth secret
  JWT_SIGNING_KEY: a-long-signing-key
  ACCESS_JWT_EXPIRES_IN: time such as 15m
  REFRESH_JWT_EXPIRES_IN: time such as 15m
  GHE_URL: Add Github Enterprise URL in case of authenticating through Github Enterprise (Example (https|http):// --> Do not provide the catalog URL

Update API ConfigMap

  • Update the config.yaml to add at least one user with all scopes such as

    • refresh a catalog,
    • refresh config file
    • create an agent token
  • For example

  - name: agent:create
    users: [foo]        <<< Where `foo` is your Github Handle
  - name: catalog:refresh
    users: [foo]
  - name: config:refresh
    users: [foo]
  • Commit the changes and push the changes to your fork

  • Edit the 02-api/21-api-configmap.yaml and change the URL to point to your fork. By default it is pointing to config.yaml in Hub which has Application Data.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: api
  namespace: tekton-hub
    app: api
  CONFIG_FILE_URL: ## Change the file URL here

All users have default scopes rating:read and rating:write. Once user get login to Hub, they get the appropriate scopes which allows them to rate the resource

WARN : Make sure you have updated Hub config before starting the api server

Update API Image

Edit the 02-api/22-api-deployment.yaml and replace the image with the one created previously and executed below command

kubectl apply -f 02-api/ -n tekton-hub

This will create the deployment, secret, configmap and a NodePort service to expose the API server.

Setup Route or Ingress

After the deployment is done successfully, we need to expose the URL to access the API.

  • If deploying on OpenShift:-

    kubectl apply -f 04-openshift/40-api-route.yaml -n tekton-hub
  • If deploying on Kubernetes:-

    • Create the secret containing tls cert and tls key

      kubectl create secret tls api-hub-tekton-dev-tls --cert=path/to/cert/file --key=path/to/key/file -n tekton-hub
    • Apply the Ingress

      kubectl apply -f 04-kubernetes/40-api-ingress.yaml -n tekton-hub

Verify if api route is accessible

For OpenShift:-

curl -k -X GET $(oc get -n tekton-hub routes api --template='https://{{ }}/v1/categories')

NOTE: At this moment, there are no resources in the db. Only the tags and categories from hub config are added in the db.

Let's deploy the UI first and then we will add the resources in db.

Deploy UI

Update UI ConfigMap

Edit config/10-config.yaml and set your GitHub OAuth Client ID and the API URL.

You can get the API URL using below command (OpenShift)

  kubectl get -n tekton-hub routes api --template='https://{{ }}'
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: ui
  namespace: tekton-hub
  API_URL: API URL   <<< Update this by API url
  GH_CLIENT_ID: GH OAuth Client ID   <<< Update this OAuth client id
  API_VERSION: API VERSION  <<< Update this by API version (For e.g-"v1")
  GHE_URL: Github Enterprise URL <<< Update this if you are getting logged in via Github Enterprise

Update UI Image

Edit the 03-ui/30-ui-configmap.yaml and replace the image with the one created previously and executed below command

kubectl apply -f 03-ui/ -n tekton-hub

This will create the deployment, configmap and a NodePort service to expose the UI.

Ensure pods are up and running

kubectl get pods -n tekton-hub

eg. wait till status of UI pod is running

NAME                   READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
api-6dfc6f97d9-vk66r   1/1     Running     3          21m
db-9bd4cdf99-zsq89     1/1     Running     0          21m
db-migration-26ngs     0/1     Completed   0          21m
ui-55fc66cc6b-69dsp    1/1     Running     0          58s

Setup Route or Ingress

After the deployment is done successfully, we need to expose the URL to access the UI.

  • If deploying on OpenShift:-

    kubectl apply -f 04-openshift/41-ui-route.yaml -n tekton-hub
  • If deploying on Kubernetes:-

    • Create the secret containing tls cert and tls key

      kubectl create secret tls ui-hub-tekton-dev-tls --cert=path/to/cert/file --key=path/to/key/file -n tekton-hub
    • Apply the Ingress

      kubectl apply -f 04-kubernetes/41-ui-ingress.yaml -n tekton-hub

Verify if ui route is accessible

For OpenShift:-

    kubectl get routes -n tekton-hub ui --template='https://{{ }} '

Open the URL in a browser.

Note: In UI you won't be able see the resources on homepage as there are not any in the db but you should see Categories on the left side.

Update your GitHub OAuth created with the UI route in place of Homepage URL and Authorization callback URL.

Add resources in DB

  1. Login through the Hub UI. Click on Login on right corner and then Sign in with GitHub/Github Enterprise.

  2. Copy the Hub Token by clicking on the user profile which is at the right corner on the Home Page

  3. Call the Catalog Refresh API:

    • To refresh a catalog with name

      curl -X POST -H "Authorization: <jwt-token>" \

      Replace <access-token> with your Hub token copied from UI and replace <api-url> with your api pod url.

      This will give an output as below

    • To refresh all catalogs

      curl -X POST -H "Authorization: <jwt-token>" \

      Replace <access-token> with your Hub token copied from UI and replace <api-url> with your api pod url.

      This will give an output as below

  4. Refresh your UI, you will be able to see resources.

Setup Catalog Refresh CronJob (Optional)

You can setup a cronjob which will refresh your db after an interval if there are any changes in your catalog.

NOTE: The catalog refresh will add new resources or update existing resource if it is updated in catalog but it doesn't delete a resource in db even if it is deleted in catalog.

  1. You will need a JWT token with catalog refresh scope which can be used.

  2. A User token is short lived so you can create an agent token which will not expire.

  3. To create an agent, you can use the /system/user/agent. You will need agent:create scope in your JWT which has to be added in config.yaml

    curl -X PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "Authorization: <access-token>" \
        --data '{"name":"catalog-refresh-agent","scopes": ["catalog:refresh"]}' \

    Replace <access-token> with your JWT, you can create an agent with any required scopes. In this case we need the agent with catalog:refresh. You can give any name to agent.

    This will gives an output as:

    {"token":"agent jwt token"}

    A token will be returned with the requested scopes. You can check using the jwt decoder. Use this token for the catalog refresh cron job.

  4. Edit 05-catalog-refresh-cj/50-catalog-refresh-secret.yaml and Set the Hub Token

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: catalog-refresh
      namespace: tekton-hub
    type: Opaque
      HUB_TOKEN: hub token

    Set the token created in last step as Hub token.

  5. Apply the YAMLs

    kubectl apply -f 05-catalog-refresh-cj/ -n tekton-hub

    The cron job is configured to run every 30 min, you can change the interval in 05-catalog-refresh-cj/51-catalog-refresh-cronjob.yaml.

Adding New Users in Config

By default when any user login for the first time, they will have only default scope even if they are added in config.yaml. To get additinal scopes, make sure the user has logged in once.

Now, we need to refresh the config. To do that do a POST API call.

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: <access-token>" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data '{"force": true} \

Replace <access-token> with your JWT token. you must have config-refresh scope to call this API.

Deploying on Disconnected Cluster

  • To deploy on a disconnected cluster you need to fork the tektoncd/catalog or you can use your own catalog but it must follow the Catalog TEP.

  • Fork the tektoncd/hub and update the hub config file for your catalog details.

    • Update the catalog details with your catalog
      - name: tekton
        org: tektoncd
        type: community
        revision: main

    You can find the template at bottom of hub config file.

  • Mirror the Hub Deployment Images to the registry disconnected cluster has access to. You can use release images or build your own. For hub release images, you can use latest release tag as image tag. for eg. You can check the latest release [here][hub-releases].

  • List of images to be mirrored

    • UI -
    • API -
    • DB-Migration -
    • DB - postgres:13@sha256:260a98d976574b439712c35914fdcb840755233f79f3e27ea632543f78b7a21e

    You can mirror the images using oc as below

    oc image mirror your.registry/project/ui:v1.3.0
  • Now, follow the steps from Deploy Database Section above. Make sure you update the images in deployment files before applying.


UI is not showing resources but catalog refresh is successful

  • If you have insecure connection the UI might not be able to hit the API.
  • So, hit the API URL in your browser https://<api-url> once you get the response as status: ok, refresh you UI.

UI is not showing resources but catalog refresh is successful (Console Error)

  • Verify catalog refresh is successful by hitting the /v1/resources API using the API URL.
  • If is returning resources than check for console errors on UI.
  • Right click -> Inspect or (Ctrl + Shift + I) (For Chrome). Then click on console tab.
  • If there is cors error then check the UI config map and the URL you have added.
  • The URL should be for example and not there shouldn't be / at the end.