Android app developer / Interested in software test automation for Android apps
- Machida-shi, Tokyo, Japan
written in C++
Clear filter
The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
Karabiner-Elements is a powerful tool for customizing keyboards on macOS
Karabiner (KeyRemap4MacBook) is a powerful utility for keyboard customization.
Tools for tracing OpenGL, Direct3D, and other graphics APIs
Command line utility for interacting with Apple's Private (Closed) Mobile Device Framework
codefirst / aquaskk
Forked from t-suwa/aquaskkAn input method without morphological analysis.
mumurik / xyzzy
Forked from troter/xyzzymirror of
Google Test for native (NDK/C++) Android Apps
Demo of Java application passing protobuf to native application using JNI