AmqpSettings__Enabled |
Whether the AMQP protocol head should be enabled |
bool |
true |
AmqpSettings__Port |
The port for the AMQP protocol head to listen on |
int32 |
5671 |
AuthenticationMode |
Determines who performs authentication |
Scope, Cloud, CloudAndScope |
CloudAndScope |
BackupFolder |
Path to place the backup EdgeHub database directory |
string |
TempPath of the current OS |
CacheTokens |
Whether client authentication tokens are saved to disk |
bool |
false |
CheckEntireQueueOnCleanup |
Periodically check all pending messages for TTL expiry, incurs more I/O but saves more storage |
bool |
false |
ClientCertAuthEnabled |
Allows dev certificates to be used during SSL handshake with upstream and bypass cert validation |
bool |
false |
CloseCloudConnectionOnDeviceDisconnect |
If a leaf device disconnections, immediately closes the corresponding upstream connection |
bool |
true |
CloseCloudConnectionOnIdleTimeout |
Whether the upstream connection should be closed when CloudConnectionIdleTimeoutSecs is reached |
bool |
true |
CloudConnectionIdleTimeoutSecs |
If there are no IoT operations, time span to wait before the upstream connection is considered idle |
int32 |
3600 |
CloudOperationTimeoutSecs |
Time out for any upstream IoT operation |
int32 |
20 |
ConfigRefreshFrequencySecs |
Interval at which the EdgeHub config is refreshed from upstream |
int32 |
3600 |
ConfigSource |
Uses config from either EdgeHub twin, or a local config source |
twin, local |
twin |
ConnectivityCheckFrequencySecs |
Interval at which EdgeHub will ping upstream to ensure connectivity is still present |
int32 |
300 |
DeviceScopeCacheRefreshRateSecs |
Interval at which leaf and module identities are refreshed from upstream |
int32 |
3600 |
EnableRoutingLogging |
Whether message routing logs should be enabled |
bool |
false |
EncryptTwinStore |
Whether to encrypt the twin data before persisting to disk |
bool |
true |
Https_Proxy |
Address of the proxy to use for outbound HTTPS requests |
string |
HttpSettings__Enabled |
Whether the HTTP server should be enabled |
bool |
true |
HttpSettings__Port |
The port for the HTTP protocol head to listen on |
int32 |
443 |
ApiProxyModuleId |
This is the ApiProxy module name that is authorized to forward the client certificate for client CA certificate authentication |
string |
IoTEdgeAPIProxy |
IotHubConnectionPoolSize |
Pool size for upstream AMQP connection |
int32 |
MaxConnectedClients |
Maximum number of downstream clients allowed to connect |
int32 |
101 (100 clients + 1 EdgeHub) |
MaxUpstreamBatchSize |
Max number of messages to concurrently send upstream |
int32 |
10 |
MessageAckTimeoutSecs |
Time span to wait for sending a message downstream to a leaf device |
int32 |
30 |
MessageCleanupInterval |
Time interval for task that cleans up messages in edgeHub's store |
int32 |
1800 |
Metrics__Listener__Host |
Hostname of the metrics listener, used to construct the metrics listener URL |
string |
* |
Metrics__Listener__MetricsEnabled |
Whether to enable metrics listener |
bool |
true |
Metrics__Listener__MetricsHistogramMaxAge |
Time interval for the metrics histogram |
TimeSpan string |
00:01:00 (1 hour) |
Metrics__Listener__Port |
Port of the metrics listener, used to construct the metrics listener URL |
int32 |
9600 |
Metrics__Listener__Suffix |
Appended to the metrics listener URL |
string |
metrics |
MinTwinSyncPeriodSecs |
Maximum frequency for pull any device/module twin |
int32 |
120 |
MqttSettings__Enabled |
Whether the MQTT broker should be enabled |
bool |
true |
OptimizeForPerformance |
Increase RocksDB file I/O usage to speed up message storage |
bool |
true |
ReportedPropertiesSyncFrequencySecs |
Maximum frequency for pushing reported properties upstream |
int32 |
5 |
RocksDB_MaxOpenFiles |
Max number of files to be concurrently opened by RocksDB |
int32 |
RocksDB_MaxTotalWalSize |
Max sized to be used by RocksDB's write-ahead-log |
int32 |
RuntimeLogLevel |
Runtime diagnostic logging level |
fatal, error, warning, info, debug, verbose |
info |
ShutdownWaitPeriod |
Seconds to wait on shutdown before hard termination |
int32 |
60 |
SslProtocols |
TLS protocol(s) to be supported |
tls1.0, tls1.1, tls1.2, or any combination thereof separated by comma |
all |
Storage_LogLevel |
RocksDB diagnostic log level |
StorageFolder |
Path to place the EdgeHub databases directory |
string |
TempPath of the current OS |
UpstreamFanOutFactor |
Max number of message groups to concurrently process for sending, grouped by sender |
int32 |
10 |
UpstreamProtocol |
Protocol used to for upstream connections |
Amqp, AmqpWs, Mqtt, MqttWs |
Amqp w/ fallback to AmqpWs |
UseServerHeartbeat |
Sets the client-side heartbeat interval to 60sec for upstream AMQP connections |
bool |
true |
UsePersistentStorage |
If set, will enable directly persisting messages / twins into the local database before forwarding/processing |
bool |
true |
EnableNonPersistentStorageBackup |
If messages / twins are not directly persisted, this will backup twins and any unprocessed messages on shutdown so Edge can resume on next startup |
bool |
false |
MqttBroker__MaxInflightMessages |
Maximum number of QoS 1 messages that can be in the process of being sent simultaneously for a single session |
int32 |
16 |
MqttBroker__MaxQueuedMessages |
Maximum number of messages that can be in the outgoing queue for a single session |
int32 |
1000 |
MqttBroker__MaxQueuedBytes |
Maximum number of bytes that can be in the outgoing queue for a single session |
int32 (arm), int64 (amd64) |
0 (no limit) |
MqttBroker__WhenFull |
Defines what to do in case either max queued messages or max queued bytes is reached |
drop_new, drop_old |
drop_new |