Hydra offers OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Core 1.0 capabilities as a service. Hydra is different, because it works with any existing authentication infrastructure, not just LDAP or SAML. By implementing a consent app (works with any programming language) you build a bridge between Hydra and your authentication infrastructure.
Hydra is able to securely manage JSON Web Keys, and has a sophisticated policy-based access control you can use if you want to.
Hydra is suitable for green- (new) and brownfield (existing) projects. If you are not familiar with OAuth 2.0 and are working on a greenfield project, we recommend evaluating if OAuth 2.0 really serves your purpose. Knowledge of OAuth 2.0 is imperative in understanding what Hydra does and how it works.
Hydra implements Open Standards set by IETF:
- The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework
- OAuth 2.0 Threat Model and Security Considerations
- OAuth 2.0 Token Revocation
- OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection
- OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol
- OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Management Protocol
- OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps
and the OpenID Foundation:
Join our newsletter to stay on top of new developments. We answer basic support requests on Google Groups and Gitter and offer premium services around Hydra.
Hydra uses the security first OAuth2 and OpenID Connect SDK Fosite and the access control SDK Ladon.
Table of Contents
- What is Hydra?
- Who is using it?
- Enterprise Edition
- Quickstart
- Security
- Reception
- Documentation
- Sponsors
- Libraries and third-party projects
- Blog posts & articles
Hydra is a server implementation of the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework and the OpenID Connect Core 1.0. Existing OAuth2 implementations usually ship as libraries or SDKs such as node-oauth2-server or fosite, or as fully featured identity solutions with user management and user interfaces, such as Dex.
Implementing and using OAuth2 without understanding the whole specification is challenging and prone to errors, even when SDKs are being used. The primary goal of Hydra is to make OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect 1.0 better accessible.
Hydra implements the flows described in OAuth2 and OpenID Connect 1.0 without forcing you to use a "Hydra User Management" or some template engine or a predefined front-end. Instead it relies on HTTP redirection and cryptographic methods to verify user consent allowing you to use Hydra with any authentication endpoint, be it authboss, auth0.com or your proprietary PHP authentication.
This is a curated list of Hydra adopters.
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for anyone making interactive projects. Hydra secures Arduino's developer platform.Hydra is available as an Apache 2.0-licensed Open Source technology. In enterprise environments however, there are numerous demands, such as
- OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect consulting.
- security auditing and certification.
- auditable log trails.
- guaranteed performance metrics, such as throughput per second.
- management user interfaces.
- ... and a wide range of narrow use cases specific to each business demands.
Gain access to more features and our security experts with our new enterprise edition of Hydra. Contact us now for more details.
This section is a quickstart guide to working with Hydra. In-depth docs are available as well:
The tutorial teaches you to set up Hydra, a Postgres instance and an exemplary identity provider written in React using docker compose. It will take you about 5 minutes to complete the tutorial.
There are various ways of installing hydra on your system.
The client and server binaries are downloadable at releases.
There is currently no installer available. You have to add the hydra binary to the PATH environment variable yourself or put
the binary in a location that is already in your path (/usr/bin
, ...).
If you do not understand what that all of this means, ask in our chat channel. We are happy to help.
Starting the host is easiest with docker. The host process handles HTTP requests and is backed by a database. Read how to install docker on Linux, OSX or Windows. Hydra is available on Docker Hub.
You can use Hydra without a database, but be aware that restarting, scaling or stopping the container will lose all data:
$ docker run -d --name my-hydra -p 4444:4444 oryd/hydra
Note: We had to create a new docker hub repository. Tags prior to 0.7.5 are available here.
Using the client command line interface: You can ssh into the hydra container and execute the hydra command from there:
$ docker exec -i -t <hydra-container-id> /bin/bash
# e.g. docker exec -i -t ec91228 /bin/bash
root@ec91228cb105:/go/src/github.com/ory/hydra# hydra
Hydra is a twelve factor OAuth2 and OpenID Connect provider
If you wish to compile hydra yourself, you need to install and set up Go 1.5+ and add $GOPATH/bin
to your $PATH
. To do so, run the following commands in a shell (bash, sh, cmd.exe, ...):
go get github.com/ory/hydra
go get github.com/Masterminds/glide
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/ory/hydra
glide install
go install github.com/ory/hydra
Note: We changed organization name from ory-am
to ory
. In order to keep backwards compatibility, we did not
rename Go packages.
Why should I use Hydra? It's not that hard to implement two OAuth2 endpoints and there are numerous SDKs out there!
OAuth2 and OAuth2 related specifications are over 200 written pages. Implementing OAuth2 is easy, getting it right is hard. Even if you use a secure SDK (there are numerous SDKs not secure by design in the wild), messing up the implementation is a real threat - no matter how good you or your team is. To err is human.
An in-depth list of security features is listed in the security guide.
Hydra has received a lot of positive feedback. Let's see what the community is saying:
Nice! Lowering barriers to the use of technologies like these is important.
OAuth is a framework not a protocol. The security it provides can vary greatly between implementations. Fosite (which is what this is based on) is a very good implementation from a security perspective: https://github.com/ory/fosite#a-word-on-security
[...] Thanks for releasing this by the way, looks really well engineered. [...]
The Guide is available on GitBook.
The HTTP API is documented at Apiary.
Run hydra -h
or hydra help
Developing with Hydra is as easy as:
go get github.com/ory/hydra
go get github.com/Masterminds/glide
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/ory/hydra
glide install
go test $(glide novendor)
Then run it with in-memory database:
DATABASE_URL=memory go run main.go host
We are proud to have Auth0 as a gold sponsor for Hydra. Auth0 solves the most complex identity use cases with an extensible and easy to integrate platform that secures billions of logins every year. At ORY, we use Auth0 in conjunction with Hydra for various internal projects.
- Consent App SDK For NodeJS
- Consent App Example written in Go
- Exemplary Consent App with Express and NodeJS
- Creating an oauth2 custom lamda authorizer for use with Amazons (AWS) API Gateway using Hydra
- Warning, Hydra has changed almost everything since writing this article: Hydra: Run your own Identity and Access Management service in <5 Minutes