Modules are at the heart of XMPP and this xmpp-server in node.js. The general approach is give a very strong power to all the modules.
Each module is loaded when the server starts. Modules export only a single configure
which is callbed with 2 params: the server
itself and the configuration of this specific module (the general configuration file should include a object for each module).
exports.config = {
port: 5222,
domain: 'zipline.local',
tls: {
keyPath: '/etc/xmpp-server/tls/localhost-key.pem',
certPath: '/etc/xmpp-server/tls/localhost-cert.pem'
echo: {
from: "[email protected]"
Then, your server will trigger
Echo.configure(server, config.echo);
Then, the module should be able to listen to events on the server, and each of the components of it, as well as objects passed as params to the events.