Jenkins will automatically trigger a new build/test under and whenever a pull request is opened or updated, and display the results on the pull request. If you need to re-run the test due to infrastructure issues or non-code-related changes, you can manually trigger a re-test by commenting on the pull request "@pytorchbot retest this please" (this should usually not be necessary).
After Jenkins has patched the appropriate version of the Horizon
repo on a Docker image, it calls
to build/install Horizon and run tests.
should be
self-sufficient given the repo code, and not require any internet access
to build and run the tests. All the requirements should have been installed in our Docker image
requirements -
though that may need to be updated in the future.)
If you need to download other packages or dependencies, consider adding them
to the Docker image instead, in the ../docker/jenkins/Dockerfile
by ../docker/jenkins/