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File metadata and controls

48 lines (36 loc) · 1.93 KB


Use an esp8266 with a photoresistor and a IR transmitter to allow network control of an aircon

You will need to make a file network_conn.h with contents similar to

const char* ssid       = "your-ssid";
const char* password   = "your-wpa-passwd";
const char* mqttServer = "your-MQTT-server";
const int mqttPort     = 1883;

in order to provide details of your network and MQTT server

This code is to make a dumb air-con semi smart.
The idea is to use a photoresistor to detect if there's an
LED lit on the control panel.  This means the aircon is "on".
(we can't use power-draw 'cos the aircon has ECO mode, so
it may be "on" but not drawing power.)

We also have a IR transmittor.  So we can send the POWER
message to remotely turn on/off the aircon.

We connect to an MQTT server and send on a status channel the
state of the aircon (ON/OFF) every second, and we listen to a
control channel to receive commands
   POWER ON    (turn on aircon; only sends IR signal if state is OFF)
   POWER OFF   (turn off aircon; only sends IR signal if state is ON)
   POWER       (always send IR signal)

The MQTT channels are based off the word "aircon" and the last 6 digits of the MAC

 e.g  aircon/123456/status

Uses PubSubClient and IRremoteESP8266 libraries on top of the ESP8266WiFi one

On my NodeMCU
  Connect the photoresister between A0 and 3V3
  Connect a 10K resister between A0 and GND (to pull-down)
  Connect the IR transmitter between D2 and Gnd (IR diode + goes to D2)

My Aircon is a Friedrich CP24F30, so the IR code embedded is
the power signal for that.
See if you want to learn your
own IR message

GPL2.0 or later.  See GPL LICENSE file for details.
Original code by Stephen Harris, May 2019