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$CTSMROOT/bld/README                            Jun/08/2018 

CLM build and configure directory and scripts. Scripts to help
you prepare to build CLM as a component within CESM, and setup
a namelist for it.

Important files/directories:

--------- Configure and build scripts
--------- (These scripts are also used by the cesm/cime scripts)

config_files/ ------------- Perl module to handle different CLM versions
config_files/config_definition_ctsm.xml --- XML file defining all CTSM configuration items

--------- Scripts to build the namelists
--------- (These scripts are also used by the cesm/cime scripts)
build-namelist --- Build the namelists needed

env_run.xml --- Sample case runtime environment variables, so build-namelist can run outside of a case directory.

--------- Scripts to query namelist defaults -- List the files needed, for a list of resolutions,
                          to run CLM that are currently NOT on your machine.
                          This file can then be used by 
                          to retreive them from the inputdata repository.
                          Setting up cases with create_newcase also does
                          this -- but only for the exact configuration
                          given. This tries to get all the files need
                          for several different resolutions and configurations
                          at once. - Query default namelist for settings of variables ------ Subroutines needed by script

--------- Test scripts directory
unit_testers --- Directory of scripts to test scipts in this directory
                 (most notably build-namelist)

---------- XML Files describing namelists in namelist_files
namelist_files/namelist_defaults_ctsm.xml --------- List of default values for the ctsm namelist
namelist_files/namelist_defaults_ctsm_tools.xml --- List of default values for the ctsm tools
namelist_files/namelist_defaults_overall.xml ------ List of default values for overall settings
namelist_files/namelist_defaults_usr_files.xml ---- List of default values for the user-files
namelist_files/namelist_definition_ctsm.xml -------- Definition of all namelist items for ctsm
namelist_files/namelist_definition.xsl ------------ Describes how to view the xml file as html
namelist_files/namelist_defaults_drydep.xml ------- List of default values for the dry deposition module.
namelist_files/use_cases -------------------------- Specific configurations that build-namelist uses
namelist_files/use_cases/README ------------------- File explaining the naming convention for use_cases

---------- Driver namelist files, duplicated information from cime/driver/cime_config
namelist_files/namelist_defaults_drv.xml ---------- List of default values for driver namelist defaults
namelist_files/namelist_defaults_drydep.xml ------- List of default values for dry deposition fields 
namelist_files/namelist_defaults_fire_emis.xml ---- List of default values for fire emission fields
namelist_files/namelist_definition_drv.xml -------- Definition of all driver namelist items
namelist_files/namelist_definition_drv_flds.xml --- Definition of add driver fieldsnamelist items

---------- XML helper files
namelist_files/  ---- Perl module to handle log output
namelist_files/checkmapfiles.ncl -- NCL script to check that all of the mapping files are valid
namelist_files/ -- Perl script to create a map entry for the 
namelist_files/history_fields.xsl - Style sheet for history fields as created by script that lists all of the
                                    history fields from the source files (../src/main/