- Introduction to AI and (AI) Planning
- Classical Planning as Heuristic Search and Width-Based Search
- Beyond Classical Planning
- Factored-Model-Free
- Non Determinism
- Uncertainty
- Soft goals
- Plan Recognition
- Epistemic (social) Planning
- Reinforcement Learning: Learning through Experience
- Multi agent Planning
- Hot/Latest exciting discussions on AI Ethics
- Algo (DP)
- Set Theory
- Propositional Logic
- Probabilistic Theory
- P
- can be solved in polynomial time by a deterministic machine
- NP
- can be verified in polynomial time by a deterministic machine
- can be solved (guessed) in polynomial time by a non-deterministic Turing machine
- NP-hard
- which all NPs can be reduced to
- might not be NP
- at least as hard as NP
- NP-complete
- in both NP and NP-hard
- P=NP?
- whether polynomial time algorithms actually exist for solving NP-complete
- If P=NP, then the world would be a profoundly different place than we usually assume it to be. There would be no special value in “creative leaps,” no fundamental gap between solving a problem and recognizing the solution once it’s found. Everyone who could appreciate a symphony would be Mozart; everyone who could follow a step-by-step argument would be Gauss ... —— Scott Aaronson, MIT
- automation of intelligent behavior
- make rational action choices
- Rational agents
- Agents
- do what
- sensors -(perceive environment)-> percepts
- actuators -(act upon environment)-> actions
- examples
- humans
- animals
- robots
- software agents (softbots)
- do what
- best case (‘the right thing’) is often unattainable
- Rationality vs. Omniscience
- Performance measure × Percepts × Knowledge → Action
- Agents
- what do AI do
- Humanly vs Rationally
- Thinking vs Acting
- Solver
- general
- deals with any problem expressed as an instance of model (families of problems)
- Linear Equations Model
- tractable
- Linear Equations Model
- AI solver
- intractable
- tasks
- SAT/SATISFIABILITY/Boolean satisfiability problem/Propositional Satisfiability Problem
- find state that satisfies constraints
- NP-Complete
- worst-case exponential in number of variables
- --(generalized with non-boolean, non-clause constraints)--> CSPs(Constraint satisfaction problem)
- key
- efficient inference (poly-time)
- unit resolution
- conflict-based learning
- efficient inference (poly-time)
- Planning Problems
- find action sequence that produces desired state
- Planning with Feedback
- find strategy for producing desired state
- SAT/SATISFIABILITY/Boolean satisfiability problem/Propositional Satisfiability Problem
- challenge
- scalability
- need to recognize and exploit the problems
- lots of ideas
- effective inference methods
- derivation of h
- conflict-learning
- islands of tractability
- treewidth methods and relaxations
- transformations
- compiling away incomplete info
- extended goals
- effective inference methods
- but methodology empirical
- benchmarks
- competitions
- lots of ideas
- need to recognize and exploit the problems
- scalability
- Planning
- model-based
- NP-hard
- planner
- classical planning & ai planing