Fake is a fake data generator for Go (Golang), heavily inspired by the forgery and ffaker Ruby gems.
Most data and methods are ported from forgery/ffaker Ruby gems.
For the list of available methods please look at https://godoc.org/github.com/icrowley/fake.
Currently english and russian languages are available.
Feel free to add other languages, but don't forget to regenerate data.go file using github.com/mjibson/esc
tool and esc -o data.go -pkg fake data
command because Fake embeds files unless you call UseExternalData(true)
in order to be able to work file without dependencies when compiled.
go get github.com/icrowley/fake
import (
Documentation can be found at godoc:
To run the project tests:
cd test
go test
name := fake.FirstName()
fullname = := fake.FullName()
product := fake.Product()
Changing language:
err := fake.SetLang("ru")
if err != nil {
password := fake.SimplePassword()
Using english fallback:
err := fake.SetLang("ru")
if err != nil {
password := fake.Paragraph()
Using external data:
password := fake.Paragraph()
Dmitry Afanasyev, http://twitter.com/i_crowley [email protected]