a tool to manage v2ray config json, support multiple user && group manage
- V2ray && Iptables Traffic Statistics
- Command line to manage
- Multiple user && port manage
- Dynamic port
- Ban bittorrent
- Range port
- TcpFastOpen
- Vmess/Socks5/MTproto share link
- Support protocol modify:
- Fake http
- WebSocket
- mkcp
- mKCP + srtp
- mKCP + utp
- mKCP + wechat-video
- mKCP + dtls
- mKCP + wireguard
- HTTP/2
- Socks5
- MTProto
- Shadowsocks
- Quic
new install
source <(curl -sL https://git.io/fNgqx)
source <(curl -sL https://git.io/fNgqx) --zh
keep profile to update
source <(curl -sL https://git.io/fNgqx) -k
source <(curl -sL https://git.io/fNgqx) --remove
v2ray [-h|--help] [options]
-h, --help get help
start start V2Ray
stop stop V2Ray
restart restart V2Ray
status check V2Ray status
new create new json profile
update update v2ray to latest
add random create mkcp + (srtp | wechat-video | utp | dtls) fake header group
add [wechat|utp|srtp|dtls|wireguard|socks|mtproto|ss] create special protocol, random new port
del delete port group
info check v2ray profile
port modify port
tls modify tls
tfo modify tcpFastOpen
stream modify protocol
stats iptables traffic statistics
clean clean v2ray log
log check v2ray log
docker run -d --name v2ray --restart always --network host jrohy/v2ray
it will create random port + random header(srtp | wechat-video | utp | dtls) kcp profile
check v2ray profile:
docker exec v2ray bash -c "v2ray info"
warning: if u run with centos, u should close firewall first
systemctl stop firewalld.service
systemctl disable firewalld.service
see Changelog
docker: https://hub.docker.com/r/jrohy/v2ray
pip: https://pypi.org/project/v2ray-util/
python3: https://github.com/Jrohy/python3-install