National Research Council of Italy, IAC Research Institute for applied mathematics "Mauro Picone"
- Rome, Italy
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- nesC
SLongshaw / MUI
Forked from MxUI/MUIMultiscale Universal Interface: A Concurrent Framework for Coupling Heterogeneous Solvers
TCP/IP socket server for ESP8266 module in Duet WiFi motion control electronics
gloomyandy / RepRapFirmware
Forked from sdavi/RepRapFirmwareOO C++ RepRap Firmware
supermerill / SuperSlicer
Forked from prusa3d/PrusaSlicerG-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
Fortran 2008 parser of mathematical expressions, based on Roland Schmehl "fparser"
3dita / Falla3D
Forked from EmmanuelG/MondrianOpenSource 3D Printer with a magnetic levitation system for the bearings of the X and Y axes. The printer is also modular (it can extrude all 3mm and 1.75 mm filaments) and scalable!
sourceryinstitute / gcc
Forked from gcc-mirror/gccStaging ground for Fortran 2018 features under development for GCC
STEllAR-GROUP / libgeodecomp
Forked from gentryx/libgeodecompA library for C++/Fortran computer simulations (e.g. stencil codes, mesh-free, unstructured grids, n-body & particle methods). Scales from smartphones to petascale supercomputers (e.g. Titan, Tsubaβ¦
π Nightly GCC π trunk builds π¨ available as a docker π container π¦
arm-hpc / LULESH
Forked from exmatex/LULESHLivermore Unstructured Lagrangian Explicit Shock Hydrodynamics proxy application
szaghi / fortran_tester
Forked from pdebuyl/fortran_testerFortran module to test Fortran programs
therealklanni / purity
Forked from sindresorhus/purePretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt
giacrossi / WenOOF
Forked from Fortran-FOSS-Programmers/WenOOFWENO interpolation Object Oriented Fortran library
rouson / ForUML
Forked from t2time/ForUMLExtracting UML Class Diagrams from Object-Oriented Fortran
victorsndvg / FLAP
Forked from szaghi/FLAPFortran command Line Arguments Parser for poor people
victorsndvg / PENF
Forked from szaghi/PENFPortability Environment for Fortran poor people
Minimal Jupyter Fortran kernel
π Simpler Rainbow Parentheses
elzr / vim-json
Forked from leshill/vim-jsonA better JSON for Vim: distinct highlighting of keywords vs values, JSON-specific (non-JS) warnings, quote concealing. Pathogen-friendly.
nunb / impressjs2pdf
Forked from rggarcia/impressjs2pdfConvert impress.js presentations (must be written using xhtml) to pdf
zmiimz / FortranPatterns
Forked from farhanjk/FortranPatternsPopular design patterns implemented in Fortran.
slatedocs / slate
Forked from ringcentral/slateBeautiful static documentation for your API
odeke-em / drive
Forked from rakyll/driveGoogle Drive client for the commandline
victorsndvg / Lib_VTK_IO
Forked from szaghi/VTKFortranFork: Pure Fortran (2003+) library to write and read data conforming the VTK standard.
zah / nim.vim
Forked from vim-scripts/nimrod.vimNim language plugin for vim
ironcamel / vimchat
Forked from throughnothing/vimchatXMPP Chat for vim
scholmd / scholmd
Forked from karthik/markdown_scienceLearn how to use scholarly markdown