Create your own PubSub Client & Server Websocket
const pubSub = new PubSubClient('ws://localhost:3001', {
connect: true,
reconnect: true,
const topicName = 'abc'
pubSub.subscribe(topicName, (message) => {
console.log(`Got message from topic ${topicName}`, message)
//publish a message to topic
{title: 'Hello subscribers in the topic abc', body: 'How are you ?'})
// Broadcast send message to subscribers but not me
pubSub.broadcast(topicName, {body: 'this is broadcast message'})
- May limit publisher and time to send message if look like spammer
- Maybe server need wait a time (short time) if detect mutiple publish messages same to one client and send a batch of messages instead of send a single message.
- Add Crypto client & Server Key sharing to decrypt between client & server when connected. More security for websocket communication. The message from client to server and server to client is encrypted.
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