Disk Usage/Free Utility (currently Linux & macOS-only, support for BSDs soon)
- User-friendly, colorful output
- Adjusts to your terminal's width
- Sort the results according to your needs
- Groups & filters devices
- Can conveniently output JSON
Make sure you have a working Go environment (Go 1.12 or higher is required). See the install instructions.
Compiling duf is easy, simply run:
git clone https://github.com/muesli/duf.git
cd duf
go build
You can simply start duf without any command-line arguments:
If you want to see all devices:
duf -all
You can hide individual tables:
duf -hide-local -hide-network -hide-fuse -hide-special -hide-loopback -hide-binds
Sort the output:
# valid sort-keys are: mountpoint, size, used, avail, usage, type, filesystem
duf -sort size
If you prefer your output as JSON:
duf -json