#boilerplate This repository demonstrates different architectures and usage of popular reactive programming frameworks.
I decided to open-source couple of small apps (3-6 screens) with very basic UI. I hope, these projects will save someone else's time.
Currently, only GitHub API Client is available. Rest of the apps will be published very soon!
- GitHub API Client - MVVM and RxSwift
- 500px photo viewer app - VIPER and RxSwift - March 2016
- TBA - mix of MVVM and VIPER by Florent Pillet (@fpillet) and RxSwift - April 2016
- TODO List - MVVM and SwiftBond - April 2016
- Commits app - MVVM and ReactiveCocoa - Coming soon
Also, there are plans to create sample app using ReSwift.
Pull requests are welcome.
##GitHub API client Watch demo on vimeo.
The GitHub API client requires you to sign in with your GitHub account. Sample app uses your username and password to generate auth token (app doesn't store your login credentials). More information can be found here.
- MVVM architecture
- Uses RxSwift
- Autocompletion search
- GitHub sign in process
- Shows how to zip many network requests
- RxCocoa UIKit bindings (RxCocoa
bindings are really cool) - Uses Moya as networking layer
- Implements RxSwift custom operators
- Implements RxSwift helper operators for Moya
- Uses SwiftyJSON
Upcoming features and code checklist
cd github
pod install
open github.xcworkspace
- @ashfurrow and @orta for Moya, C-41, Kiosk
- @icanzilb for ideas
- @fpillet for MVVM / VIPER mix
##Author Pawel Krawiec
##Licence MIT