Client builds are performed by the ui/build script. Stick to ui/build -w
and leave it running when you can. This automatically rebuilds any client source files when changed and lets you quickly see the results in your browser. NOTE - always use hard refresh (google it) or disable caching in the network tab of your browser inspector to pick up fresh changes.
Usage examples:
ui/build # builds all client assets in dev mode
ui/build -w # builds all client assets and watches for changes
ui/build -p # builds minified client assets (prod builds)
ui/build --no-install # no pnpm install (to preserve local links you have set up)
ui/build analyse site msg # specify modules (don't build everything)
ui/build -w dasher chart # watch mode but only for given modules
ui/build --tsc -w # watch mode but type checking only
ui/build --sass msg notify # build css only for msg and notify modules
ui/build --no-color # don't use color in logs
ui/build --no-time # don't log the time
ui/build --no-context # don't log the context ([sass], [esbuild], etc)
The frontend uses the Jest testing framework.
cd ui/
pnpm test
The Jest extension is your friend. You will want to configure the following in your settings.json
"jest.rootPath": "ui",
"jest.jestCommandLine": "node_modules/.bin/jest --config jest.config.js",
The structure of a CSS module is as follows:
- css/
- forum/
- _forum.scss # imports the files below
- _post.scss
- _search.scss
- ...
- build/
- _forum.scss # imports dependencies and
. - forum.light.scss # generated
- forum.dark.scss # generated
- forum.transp.scss # generated
- _forum.scss # imports dependencies and
- forum/