$ git clone git://github.com/tarruda/zsh-fuzzy-match.git $HOME/.zsh-fuzzy-match
$ echo 'source $HOME/.zsh-fuzzy-match/fuzzy-match.zsh' >> $HOME/.zshrc
###Basic Usage
- press ^T (the default binding, you can override with something like 'bindkey "^P" fuzzy-match' before sourcing the main file)
- type a filename
- move cursor with arrows
- use enter to accept
If the working directory contains a file named '.fuzzy-match-ignore', it will be read and the lines will be used as ignore patterns(zsh patterns) with the following rules:
- If starts with a '/', the pattern is considered relative to the starting directory instead of the directory currently being scanned
- If ends with a '/', the pattern is a directory-ignore pattern(it wont descend into directories that match the pattern)
Ignore all css files inside the 'compiled' directory in the project root:
Ignore all .min.js/.min.css files: