Feliz-style bindings for react-popover.
Install the dotnet package
dotnet add package Feliz.Popover
Install the npm package
npm install --save react-popover
Use Femto, then it can install everything for you in one go
cd ./project
femto install Feliz.Popover
The Popover
component can easily used in a React stateful component that keeps track on whether the popover is opened or not but otherwise in Elmish application the same ideas hold.
open Feliz
open Feliz.Popover
let popoverWithText' = React.functionComponent(fun (input: {| content: string |}) ->
let (popoverOpen, toggleOpen) = React.useState false
Popover.popover [
popover.body [
// the body is the content of the pop over when it is opened
Html.div [
prop.text input.content
prop.style [
style.padding 20
style.borderRadius 10
style.boxShadow(0, 0, 10, color.black)
popover.isOpen popoverOpen
popover.onOuterAction (fun _ -> toggleOpen(false))
popover.children [
/// The content that this popover will orient itself around.
Html.button [
prop.text "Open popover"
prop.onClick (fun _ -> toggleOpen(not popoverOpen))
let sample = Html.div [
popoverWithText' {| content = "Popover Content" |}
popoverWithText' {| content = "Another Popover" |}