A set of regression tests for Radare2 (http://radare.org).
Originally based on work by and now in collaboration with pancake.
- new/: New testsuite written in NodeJS.
- unit/: Unit tests (written in C, using minunit).
- bins/: Sample binaries.
- Radare2 installed (and in $PATH or set the R2 environment).
- Valgrind (optional).
- nodeJS 8 or above
- To run all tests, use
make -k all
. - To execute only the unit tests use
make -k unit_tests
. - To execute only the regressions tests use
make -k js-tests
. - To execute and autofix a specific set of tests use
node node_modules/node-r2r/bin/r2r.js -i db/XXXX/YYYY
within new directory, this will provide a dialog in which you can ask the program to replace the expected output with the current output of radare2.
A test can have one of the following results:
- success: The test passed, and that was expected.
- fixed: The test passed, but failure was expeced.
- broken: Failure was expected, and happened.
- failed: The test failed unexpectedly. This is a regression.
Please do not post Radare2 bugs on the r2-regressions github tracker. Instead use the official r2 tracker:
Example tests for db/asm/*
General format:
type "assembly" opcode [offset]
* a stands for assemble
* d stands for disassemble
* B stands for broken
* E stands for cfg.bigendian=true
Some architectures are going to assemble an instruction differently depending
on the offset it's written to. Optional.
a "ret" c3
d "ret" c3
a "nop" 90 # Assembly is correct
dB "nopppp" 90 # Disassembly test is broken
You can merge lines:
adB "nop" 90
acts the same as
aB "nop" 90
dB "nop" 90
The filename is very important. It is used to tell radare which architecture to use.
x86_32 means -a x86 -b 32
arm_v7_64 means what it means
The JSON tests db/new/json
are executed on 3 standard files (1 ELF, 1 MachO, 1 PE). The tests need to be working on the 3 files to pass.
Example commands tests for the other new/
pd 4
;-- main:
;-- entry0:
;-- func.100001174:
0x100001174 55 Push rbp
0x100001175 4889e5 Mov rbp, rsp
0x100001178 4157 Push r15
- NAME is the name of the test, it must be unique
- FILE is the path of the file used for the test
- ARGS (optional) are the command line argument passed to r2 (e.g -b 16)
- CMDS are the commands to be executed by the test
- EXPECT is the expected output of the test
You must end the test by adding RUN keyword
- Never use shell pipes, use
- dont use
if not necessary, usepi
The test files are licensed under GPL 3 (or later).