This example demonstrates Micronaut Data JPA for Java.
- Entities that map onto database tablessrc/main/java/example/repositories
- Micronaut Data Repository interfacessrc/main/java/example/controllers
- Controllers that are injected with the repository interfacessrc/test/java/example
- JUnit 5 tests that test the example.
The example is configured to use an in-memory H2 database via src/main/resources/application.yml
You can run the tests with either ./gradlew test
for Gradle or ./mvnw test
for Maven.
The application can be run with either ./gradlew run
or ./mvnw compile exec:exec
Alternatively you can import the example into either IntelliJ, Visual Studio Code or Eclipse.
A native image can be built by installing GraalVM 19.1 or above and running the following for Gradle:
$ ./gradlew assemble
$ native-image --no-server -cp build/libs/example-jpa-0.1-all.jar
Or for Maven:
$ ./mvnw package
$ native-image --no-server -cp target/example-jpa-0.1.jar