tar -xvf modalai-2-5-2-1.0.1-b.tar.gz
cd modalai-2-5-2-1.0.1-b
python install.py
- When asked "Do you want this installer to fetch the latest packages, and automatically install them? (y/n)" Type n (do not install voxl-suite)
tar -xvf voxl-min-ipk.tar.gz
cd voxl_working_ipk
./install.sh --adb
adb push ipk_emulator_v1.1 /home/root
adb push snav_setup /home/root
adb shell
sudo hostname dragonfly$1
vi /etc/hostname
- replace
:wq + Enter
to save and exit vi
voxl-wifi station <SSID> <Password>
adb reboot && adb wait-for-device
ssh root@dragonfly30
- password
cd ~/ipk_emulator_v1.1
opkg remove voxl-suite
opkg remove voxl-vision-px4
opkg remove modalai-vl
opkg install snav-modalai_1.4.1_8x96.ipk
opkg install Python_3.6.9_8x96.ipk
opkg install libevent_2.1.11_8x96.ipk
opkg install tmux_2.1_8x96.ipk
opkg install opencv_3.4.6_8x96.ipk
opkg install rsync_3.1.2_8x96.ipk
voxl-configure-cameras 3
This updates the following files
- /etc/snav/camera.downward.xml
- /etc/snav/camera.stereo.xml
- /etc/modalai/camera_env.sh
cd ~/snav_setup
cp _bashrc_voxl ~/.bashrc
cp _tmux2.1.conf ~/.tmux.conf
cp _bash_aliases ~/.bash_aliases
cp _vimrc ~/.vimrc
cp snav_params_voxl_230_2s_45deg_MT1306-8.xml /usr/lib/rfsa/adsp/
ln -sf /usr/lib/rfsa/adsp/snav_params_voxl_230_2s_45deg_MT1306-8.xml /usr/lib/rfsa/adsp/snav_params.xml
systemctl stop snav_vio_app
systemctl stop snav_voa_app
systemctl stop snav_vio_apriltag_app
systemctl stop snav_dronecontroller
ln -sf /usr/lib/rfsa/adsp/snav_params_voxl_230_2s_45deg_MT1306-8.xml /usr/lib/rfsa/adsp/snav_params.xml
ln -sf /etc/snav/mount.downward_voxl_tray.xml /etc/snav/mount.snav_dft_vio_app.xml
ln -sf /etc/snav/mount.downward_voxl_tray.xml /etc/snav/mount.snav_dft_vio_apriltag_app.xml
ln -sf /etc/snav/mount.stereo.thirteen_deg_down.xml /etc/snav/mount.stereo.xml
export MAV_ID=30
echo "export MAV_ID=$MAV_ID" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export MAV_NAME=dragonfly$MAV_ID" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export MAV_TYPE=230" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export MAV_MASS=0.245" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export MAV_BOARD=sdf_pro_imu1" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export IMU_1_USED=true" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export XBEE_BUS=12" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export USE_LOG_CAMERA_HEIGHT=false" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export LOG_CAMERA_HEIGHT=-3.912" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export USE_VIO_MASK=false" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export TOF_PITCH=-1.570796" >> ~/.bashrc
- Restart the MAV before IMU calbiration
- Below command does a static IMU calibration
- Without IMU calibration the leds will be blinking yellow
- After calibration the leds will blink blue
systemctl stop snav
systemctl start snav
snav_calibration_manager -s
systemctl restart snav
mkdir -p /data/home_linaro
ln -s /data/home_linaro/ws_indigo/install/share/snavquad_interface/scripts/tmux_voxl.sh tmux_voxl.sh
ln -s ~/ws_ros/install/share/snavquad_interface/scripts/capture/record.sh
- Docker load will take roughly 10mins
cd /mnt/sdcard
sudo docker load --input arm64v8-noetic-focal_voxl.tar.gz
sudo docker run -it --privileged \
--net=host --name voxl_noetic_docker \
-v /dev/ptmx:/opt/ptmx \
-v /data/home_linaro:/root/home_linaro:rw \
-w /root/ \
kumarrobotics/voxl:arm64v8-noetic-focal_voxl \
sudo docker start voxl_noetic_docker
sudo docker exec -it voxl_noetic_docker /bin/bash