Layer management
- Thumbnail for each layer
- Visibility checkmark
- Reordering
- touch arrows, drag and drop
Serialization of layer data into...
- (not including image data, just the commands to reproduce)
- localStorage
- a data: URL
Serialization of canvas into PNG...
- as base64 data: URL
- can any services accept an upload to API?
Image upload to server
- Can I use an input type=file?
- Encode as Base64 and submit?
- http://hacks.mozilla.org/2011/01/how-to-develop-a-html5-image-uploader/
Use s3-iframe-proxy to upload to S3
Simultaneous previews of several sizes
- 512x512 editor
- 256x256, 128x128, 64x64 previews
Need clip art sources
- Easy configuration / manifests
- http://openclipart.org/
- http://thenounproject.com/
Art selector improvements
- categories
- on-demand loading in response to search / category reveal
Drag and drop art item into canvas
External art search APIs?
- Noun Project or OCAL?
Flip horizontal / vertical
Colored backgrounds
- Since everything is transparent right now
Colorize black line-art images (eg. noun project) by compositing atop a solid color fill? (destination-in?)
Art upload from local machine?
- Drag and drop into window?
Snap to grid
- Require modifier key?
Keyboard controls
- Cursor arrows to move layer
- Shift-arrows for fine movement?
- Shift-left/right to rotate?
- Shift-up/down to scale?
- Control-up/down for opacity?