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File metadata and controls

645 lines (459 loc) · 15.5 KB

Theme Management for Laravel

For Laravel 4, please use the v1.x branch!

Theme is a theme management for Laravel 5, it is the easiest way to organize your skins, layouts and assets. Right now Theme supports PHP, Blade, and Twig.


To get the latest version of Theme simply require it in your composer.json file.

"teepluss/theme": "^2.0"

You'll then need to run composer install to download it and have the autoloader updated.

Once Theme is installed you need to register the service provider with the application. Open up config/app.php and find the providers key.

'providers' => [



Theme also ships with a facade which provides the static syntax for creating collections. You can register the facade in the aliases key of your config/app.php file.

'aliases' => [

    'Theme' => Teepluss\Theme\Facades\Theme::class,


Publish config using artisan CLI.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Teepluss\Theme\ThemeServiceProvider"


Theme has many features to help you get started with Laravel

Create theme with artisan CLI

The first time you have to create theme "default" structure, using the artisan command:

php artisan theme:create default

If you change the facade name you can add an option --facade="Alias".

To delete an existing theme, use the command:

php artisan theme:destroy default

the type can be php, blade and twig.

Create from the applicaton without CLI.

Artisan::call('theme:create', ['name' => 'foo', '--type' => 'blade']);


After the config is published, you will see the config file in "config/theme", but all the configuration can be replaced by a config file inside a theme.

Theme config location: /public/themes/[theme]/config.php

The config is convenient for setting up basic CSS/JS, partial composer, breadcrumb template and also metas.


'events' => array(

    // Before event inherit from package config and the theme that call before,
    // you can use this event to set meta, breadcrumb template or anything
    // you want inheriting.
    'before' => function($theme)
        // You can remove this line anytime.
        $theme->setTitle('Copyright ©  2013 -');

        // Breadcrumb template.
        // $theme->breadcrumb()->setTemplate('
        //     <ul class="breadcrumb">
        //     @foreach ($crumbs as $i => $crumb)
        //         @if ($i != (count($crumbs) - 1))
        //         <li><a href="{{ $crumb["url"] }}">{{ $crumb["label"] }}</a><span class="divider">/</span></li>
        //         @else
        //         <li class="active">{{ $crumb["label"] }}</li>
        //         @endif
        //     @endforeach
        //     </ul>
        // ');

    // Listen on event before render a theme,
    // this event should call to assign some assets,
    // breadcrumb template.
    'beforeRenderTheme' => function($theme)
        // You may use this event to set up your assets.
        // $theme->asset()->usePath()->add('core', 'core.js');
        // $theme->asset()->add('jquery', 'vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js');
        // $theme->asset()->add('jquery-ui', 'vendor/jqueryui/jquery-ui.min.js', array('jquery'));

        // $theme->partialComposer('header', function($view)
        // {
        //     $view->with('auth', Auth::user());
        // });

    // Listen on event before render a layout,
    // this should call to assign style, script for a layout.
    'beforeRenderLayout' => array(

        'default' => function($theme)
            // $theme->asset()->usePath()->add('ipad', 'css/layouts/ipad.css');



Basic usage

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Theme;

class HomeController extends Controller {

    public function getIndex()
        $theme = Theme::uses('default')->layout('mobile');

        $view = array(
            'name' => 'Teepluss'

        // home.index will look up the path 'resources/views/home/index.php'
        return $theme->of('home.index', $view)->render();

        // Specific status code with render.
        return $theme->of('home.index', $view)->render(200);

        // home.index will look up the path 'resources/views/mobile/home/index.php'
        return $theme->ofWithLayout('home.index', $view)->render();

        // home.index will look up the path 'public/themes/default/views/home/index.php'
        return $theme->scope('home.index', $view)->render();

        // home.index will look up the path 'public/themes/default/views/mobile/home/index.php'
        return $theme->scopeWithLayout('home.index', $view)->render();

        // Looking for a custom path.
        return $theme->load('app.somewhere.viewfile', $view)->render();

        // Working with cookie.
        $cookie = Cookie::make('name', 'Tee');
        return $theme->of('home.index', $view)->withCookie($cookie)->render();


Get only content "$theme->of('home.index')->content();".

Finding from both theme's view and application's view.

$theme = Theme::uses('default')->layout('default');

return $theme->watch('home.index')->render();

To check whether a theme exists.

// Returns boolean.

To find the location of a view.

$which = $theme->scope('home.index')->location();

echo $which; // themer::views.home.index

$which = $theme->scope('home.index')->location(true);

echo $which; // ./public/themes/name/views/home/index.blade.php


Theme now supports PHP, Blade and Twig. To use Blade or Twig template you just create a file with extension

[file].blade.php or [file].twig.php

Render from string.

// Blade template.
return $theme->string('<h1>{{ $name }}</h1>', array('name' => 'Teepluss'), 'blade')->render();

// Twig Template
return $theme->string('<h1>{{ name }}</h1>', array('name' => 'Teepluss'), 'twig')->render();

Compile string

// Blade compile.
$template = '<h1>Name: {{ $name }}</h1><p>{{ Theme::widget("WidgetIntro", array("userId" => 9999, "title" => "Demo Widget"))->render() }}</p>';

echo Theme::blader($template, array('name' => 'Teepluss'));
// Twig compile.
$template = '<h1>Name: {{ name }}</h1><p>{{ Theme.widget("WidgetIntro", {"userId" : 9999, "title" : "Demo Widget"}).render() }}</p>';

echo Theme::twigy($template, array('name' => 'Teepluss'));

Symlink from another view

This is a nice feature when you have multiple files that have the same name, but need to be located as a separate one.

// Theme A : /public/themes/a/views/welcome.blade.php

// Theme B : /public/themes/b/views/welcome.blade.php

// File welcome.blade.php at Theme B is the same as Theme A, so you can do link below:

// ................

// Location: public/themes/b/views/welcome.blade.php

// That's it!

Basic usage of assets

Add assets in your route.

// path: public/css/style.css
$theme->asset()->add('core-style', 'css/style.css');

// path: public/js/script.css
$theme->asset()->container('footer')->add('core-script', 'js/script.js');

// path: public/themes/[current theme]/assets/css/custom.css
// This case has dependency with "core-style".
$theme->asset()->usePath()->add('custom', 'css/custom.css', array('core-style'));

// path: public/themes/[current theme]/assets/js/custom.js
// This case has dependency with "core-script".
$theme->asset()->container('footer')->usePath()->add('custom', 'js/custom.js', array('core-script'));

You can force use theme to look up existing theme by passing parameter to method: $theme->asset()->usePath('default')

Writing in-line style or script.

// Dependency with.
$dependencies = array();

// Writing an in-line script.
$theme->asset()->writeScript('inline-script', '
    $(function() {
', $dependencies);

// Writing an in-line style.
$theme->asset()->writeStyle('inline-style', '
    h1 { font-size: 0.9em; }
', $dependencies);

// Writing an in-line script, style without tag wrapper.
$theme->asset()->writeContent('custom-inline-script', '
        $(function() {
', $dependencies);

Render styles and scripts in your layout.

// Without container
echo Theme::asset()->styles();

// With "footer" container
echo Theme::asset()->container('footer')->scripts();

Direct path to theme asset.

echo Theme::asset()->url('img/image.png');

Preparing group of assets.

Some assets you don't want to add on a page right now, but you still need them sometimes, so "cook" and "serve" is your magic.

Cook your assets.

Theme::asset()->cook('backbone', function($asset)
    $asset->add('backbone', '//');
    $asset->add('underscorejs', '//');

You can prepare on a global in package config.

// Location: config/theme/config.php
    'events' => array(


        // This event will fire as a global you can add any assets you want here.
        'asset' => function($asset)
            // Preparing asset you need to serve after.
            $asset->cook('backbone', function($asset)
                $asset->add('backbone', '//');
                $asset->add('underscorejs', '//');


Serve theme when you need.

// At the controller.

Then you can get output.

    <?php echo Theme::asset()->scripts(); ?>
    <?php echo Theme::asset()->styles(); ?>
    <?php echo Theme::asset()->container('YOUR_CONTAINER')->scripts(); ?>
    <?php echo Theme::asset()->container('YOUR_CONTAINER')->styles(); ?>


Render a partial in your layouts or views.

// This will look up to "public/themes/[theme]/partials/header.php"
echo Theme::partial('header', array('title' => 'Header'));

// Partial with current layout specific.
// This will look up up to "public/themes/[theme]/partials/[CURRENT_LAYOUT]/header.php"
echo Theme::partialWithLayout('header', array('title' => 'Header'));

Finding from both theme's partial and application's partials.

echo Theme::watchPartial('header', array('title' => 'Header'));

Partial composer.

$theme->partialComposer('header', function($view)
    $view->with('key', 'value');

// Working with partialWithLayout.
$theme->partialComposer('header', function($view)
    $view->with('key', 'value');
}, 'layout-name');

Working with regions.

Theme has magic methods to set, prepend and append anything.

$theme->setTitle('Your title');

$theme->appendTitle('Your appended title');

$theme->prependTitle('Hello: ....');



// or

$theme->set('foo', 'foo');

Render in your layout or view.



// or use place.


Theme::place('foo', 'default-value-if-it-does-not-exist');

// or


Check if the place exists or not.

<?php if (Theme::has('title')) : ?>
    <?php echo Theme::place('title'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

// or

<?php if (Theme::hasTitle()) : ?>
    <?php echo Theme::getTitle(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Get argument assigned to content in layout or region.


// or


// To check if it exists


Theme::place('content') is a reserve region to render sub-view.

Preparing data to view

Sometimes you don't need to execute heavy processing, so you can prepare and use when you need it.

$theme->bind('something', function()
    return 'This is bound parameter.';

Using bound data on view.

echo Theme::bind('something');


In order to use breadcrumbs, follow the instruction below:

$theme->breadcrumb()->add('label', 'http://...')->add('label2', 'http:...');

// or

        'label' => 'label1',
        'url'   => 'http://...'
        'label' => 'label2',
        'url'   => 'http://...'

To render breadcrumbs.

echo $theme->breadcrumb()->render();

// or

echo Theme::breadcrumb()->render();

You can set up breadcrumbs template anywhere you want by using a blade template.

    <ul class="breadcrumb">
    @foreach ($crumbs as $i => $crumb)
        @if ($i != (count($crumbs) - 1))
        <li><a href="{{ $crumb["url"] }}">{{ $crumb["label"] }}</a><span class="divider">/</span></li>
        <li class="active">{{ $crumb["label"] }}</li>

Widgets Design Structure

Theme has many useful features called "widget" that can be anything.

Creating a widget

You can create a widget class using artisan command:

Creating as a global.

php artisan theme:widget demo --global --type=blade

Widget tpl is located in "resources/views/widgets/{widget-tpl}.{extension}"

Creating a specific theme name.

php artisan theme:widget demo default --type=blade

Widget tpl is located in "public/themes/[theme]/widgets/{widget-tpl}.{extension}"

The file name can be demo.php, demo.blade.php or demo.twig.php

Now you will see a widget class at /app/Widgets/WidgetDemo.php

<h1>User Id: {{ $label }}</h1>

Calling your widget in layout or view

echo Theme::widget('demo', array('label' => 'Demo Widget'))->render();

Using theme global

use Teepluss\Theme\Contracts\Theme;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class BaseController extends Controller {

     * Theme instance.
     * @var \Teepluss\Theme\Theme
    protected $theme;

     * Construct
     * @return void
    public function __construct(Theme $theme)
        // Using theme as a global.
        $this->theme = $theme->uses('default')->layout('ipad');


To override theme or layout.

public function getIndex()

    // or just override layout


Support or Contact

If you have any problems, Contact [email protected]

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