iot-pet-feeder-with-tuya Public
IoT Pet Feeder Project with Tuya Link SDK
autobot-clipper Public
Automatically gets clips from twitch streams and uploads them to a YouTube channel.
A bot to attend classes on microsoft teams
php-reverse-shell Public
Forked from pentestmonkey/php-reverse-shell -
gpu-temp-alerts-for-mining Public
Alerts on discord when GPU temps go up
SharedClipboard Public
Share clipboards between two devices in a network
P2P-Trading-Exchanges Public
Forked from cointastical/P2P-Trading-ExchangesPerson-to-Person bitcoin Trading Exchanges
Script that updates a YouTube video's thumbnail with its comments
Generates OAuth credentials for a google account that can maintain state and never expire unless the user revokes the permissions.
simplefileaccess Public
A simple way to access files on your computer from any device on the Internet (NO CLOUD)
node-js-sample Public
Forked from heroku/node-js-sampleThis repository is deprecated. Head over to https://github.com/heroku/node-js-getting-started
heroku-basic-flask Public
Forked from datademofun/heroku-basic-flaskExample of deploying a Python Flask app onto Heroku
AnarchyGrabber3 Public
These are the files that Anarchy Grabber 3 created/modified when it infected a PC. The files inject.js and discordmod.js are created by the malware, and the files index.js is modified by prepending…
instagram-scraper Public
Forked from MarusWeissmann/instagram-scraper-1scrapes medias, likes, followers, tags and all metadata. Inspired by instagram-php-scraper,bot
QRLJacking Public
Forked from OWASP/QRLJackingQRLJacking or Quick Response Code Login Jacking is a simple-but-nasty attack vector affecting all the applications that relays on “Login with QR code” feature as a secure way to login into account…
Chrome extension to login to VITSocial by scanning QR code. Converts cookies to QR code so that the mobile app can scan and initiate login attempt.
python-messenger Public
A secure messaging application built with python
TicTacToe-Program-in-C Public
TicTacToe program in C. This is not a multiplayer, the program itself is the opponent for the user. Made using all plain functions and basic programming in C
tictactoe_C Public
A simple tictactoe (X and O) game using C (no imported functions/methods used)
2 UpdatedAug 29, 2018