See COPYRIGHT for the list of authors.
This application was supported by:
- University of Extremadura, CETA-Ciemat chair (SPAIN) and
- University of California (USA).
The installation process of Jarifa is the following:
- Download the source code.
- Unzip it in /var/www or the document root of your Apache configuration file.
- Set up the data base for Jarifa using the file located in /var/www/jarifa/conf/jarifa.sql.
- Create the root account using the MySQL interface (it is easier if you are using phpmyadmin).
- Give Apache user read, write and access permissions to the Jarifa folder.
- Access Jarifa with your web browser in: http://SERVER/jarifa
Check the (wiki)[] for further details.
See the 'INSTALL' file for more detailed directions.