Release date: March 11, 2020
- Added collection and Lucene generator support for CORE collections, bibtex collections, and the ACL Anthology.
- Added basic Solrini support for CORE collections, bibtex collections, and the ACL Anthology.
- Added regressions for the background linking task in the News Tracks from TREC 2018 and 2019.
- Added regressions for the TREC 2019 Deep Learning Track.
- Augmented methods in
with support for a customAnalyzer
. - Exposed additional hooks in
for Pyserini. - Refactored initialization methods in the renamed
. - Clarified documentation about what "regression tests" mean and introduced the Anserini replicability promise.
- Gathered all Lucene field names from different locations into
. - Improved the structure of unit test cases for collection classes.
- Improved support for Solrini and Elasterini: both now support
, andmsmarco-passage
Sorted by number of commits:
- Jimmy Lin (lintool)
- Nikhil Gupta (nikhilro)
- Edwin Zhang (edwinzhng)
- Chris Kamphuis (Chriskamphuis)
- Xinyu Mavis Liu (x389liu)
- Rodrigo Nogueira (rodrigonogueira4)
Sorted by number of commits, according to GitHub:
- Jimmy Lin (lintool)
- Peilin Yang (Peilin-Yang)
- Ryan Clancy (r-clancy)
- Ahmet Arslan (iorixxx)
- Royal Sequiera (rosequ)
- Emily Wang (emmileaf)
- Victor Yang (Victor0118)
- Boris Lin (borislin)
- Chris Kamphuis (Chriskamphuis)
- Edwin Zhang (edwinzhng)
- Nikhil Gupta (nikhilro)
- Tommaso Teofili (tteofili)
- Yuhao Xie (Kytabyte)
- Rodrigo Nogueira (rodrigonogueira4)
- Salman Mohammed (Salman Mohammed)
- Luchen Tan (LuchenTan)
- Xinyu Mavis Liu (x389liu)
- Zhiying Jiang (bazingagin)
- Michael Tu (tuzhucheng)
- Dayang Shi (dyshi)
- Zeynep Akkalyoncu Yilmaz (zeynepakkalyoncu)
- Peng Shi (Impavidity)
- Xin Qian (xeniaqian94)
- Adam Roegiest (aroegies)
- Weihua Li (w329li)
- Toke Eskildsen (tokee)
- Zhaohao Zeng (matthew-z)
- Kuang Lu (lukuang)
- Xing Niu (xingniu)
- Ronak Pradeep (ronakice)
- Mina Farid (minafarid)
- Mengfei Liu (meng-f)
- Adrien Grand (jpountz)
- Gaurav Baruah (gauravbaruah)
- Edward Lu (edwardhdlu)
- Adrien Pouyet (Ricocotam)
- Joel Mackenzie (JMMackenzie)
- Ruifan Yu (tiddler)
- Leonid Boytsov (searchivarius)
- Petek Yıldız (ptkyldz)
- Maik Fröbe (mam10eks)
- Kevin Xu (kevinxyc1)
- Matt Yang (justram)
- Kelvin Jiang (infinitecold)
- Guy Rosin (guyrosin)
- Charles Wu (charW)
- Matteo Catena (catenamatteo)
- Andrew Yates (andrewyates)
- Alireza Mirzaeiyan (alirezamirzaeiyan)
- Antonio Mallia (amallia)
- Horatiu Lazu (MathBunny)
- Edward Li (LuKuuu)