- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Set a delay between executing Actions when self.run_all_actions() is used.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will create a pause for the set duration. When self.run_all_actions() is executed, this will add a pause in the sequential execution of all actions.
- Type: Decimal
- Description: The duration to pause
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Capture a photo with the selected Camera.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will capture a photo with the selected Camera. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"camera_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b"}) will capture a photo with the Camera with the specified ID.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the Camera to take a photo
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Pause a camera time-lapse
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will pause the selected Camera time-lapse. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"camera_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b"}) will pause the Camera time-lapse with the specified ID.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the Camera to pause the time-lapse
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Resume a camera time-lapse
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will resume the selected Camera time-lapse. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"camera_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b"}) will resume the Camera time-lapse with the specified ID.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the Camera to resume the time-lapse
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Activate a controller.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will activate the selected Controller. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"controller_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b"}) will activate the controller with the specified ID.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the controller to activate
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Deactivate a controller.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will deactivate the selected Controller. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"controller_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b"}) will deactivate the controller with the specified ID.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the controller to deactivate
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Create a note with the selected Tag.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will create a note with the selected tag and note. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"tags": ["tag1", "tag2"], "name": "My Note", "note": "this is a message"}) will execute the action with the specified list of tag(s) and note. If using only one tag, make it the only element of the list (e.g. ["tag1"]). If note is not specified, then the action message will be used as the note.
- Description: Select one or more tags
- Type: Text
- Default Value: Name
- Description: The name of the note
- Type: Text
- Default Value: Note
- Description: The body of the note
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Execute a Linux bash shell command.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will execute the bash command.Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"user": "mycodo", "command": "/home/pi/my_script.sh on"}) will execute the action with the specified command and user.
- Type: Text
- Default Value: mycodo
- Description: The user to execute the command
- Type: Text
- Default Value: /home/pi/my_script.sh on
- Description: Command to execute
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Clear the total volume saved for a flow meter Input. The Input must have the Clear Total Volume option.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will clear the total volume for the selected flow meter Input. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"input_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b"}) will clear the total volume for the flow meter Input with the specified ID.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the flow meter Input
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Force measurements to be conducted for an input
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will force acquiring measurements for the selected Input. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"input_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b"}) will force acquiring measurements for the Input with the specified ID.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select an Input
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
- Dependencies: paho-mqtt
Publish to an MQTT server.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will publish the saved payload text options to the MQTT server. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"payload": 42}) will publish the specified payload (any type) to the MQTT server. You can also specify the topic (e.g. value={"topic": "my_topic", "payload": 42}). Warning: If using multiple MQTT Inputs or Functions, ensure the Client IDs are unique.
- Type: Text
- Default Value: localhost
- Description: The hostname of the MQTT server
- Type: Integer
- Default Value: 1883
- Description: The port of the MQTT server
- Type: Text
- Default Value: paho/test/single
- Description: The topic to publish with
- Type: Text
- Description: The payload to publish
- Type: Integer
- Default Value: 60
- Description: The keepalive timeout value for the client. Set to 0 to disable.
- Type: Text
- Default Value: client_796v1NR4
- Description: Unique client ID for connecting to the MQTT server
- Type: Boolean
- Description: Send login credentials
- Type: Text
- Default Value: user
- Description: Username for connecting to the server
- Type: Text
- Description: Password for connecting to the server
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Inputs
- Dependencies: paho-mqtt
Publish an Input measurement to an MQTT server.
- Description: Select the measurement to send as the payload
- Type: Text
- Default Value: localhost
- Description: The hostname of the MQTT server
- Type: Integer
- Default Value: 1883
- Description: The port of the MQTT server
- Type: Text
- Default Value: paho/test/single
- Description: The topic to publish with
- Type: Integer
- Default Value: 60
- Description: The keepalive timeout value for the client. Set to 0 to disable.
- Type: Text
- Default Value: client_YeURfmKy
- Description: Unique client ID for connecting to the MQTT server
- Type: Boolean
- Description: Send login credentials
- Type: Text
- Default Value: user
- Description: Username for connecting to the server
- Type: Text
- Description: Password for connecting to the server.
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Set a PWM Output to set a duty cycle.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will set the PWM output duty cycle. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"output_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b", "channel": 0, "duty_cycle": 42}) will set the duty cycle of the PWM output with the specified ID and channel.
- Type: Select Channel
- Selections: Output_Channels
- Description: Select an output to control
- Type: Decimal
- Description: Duty cycle for the PWM (percent, 0.0 - 100.0)
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Turn an On/Off Output On, Off, or On for a duration.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will actuate an output. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"output_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b", "channel": 0, "state": "on", "duration": 300}) will set the state of the output with the specified ID and channel. If state is on and a duration is set, the output will turn off after the duration.
- Type: Select Channel
- Selections: Output_Channels
- Description: Select an output to control
- Type: Select
- Description: Turn the output on or off
- Type: Decimal
- Description: If On, you can set a duration to turn the output on. 0 stays on.
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Ramp a PWM Output from one duty cycle to another duty cycle over a period of time.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will ramp the PWM output duty cycle according to the settings. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"output_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b", "channel": 0, "start": 42, "end": 62, "increment": 1.0, "duration": 600}) will ramp the duty cycle of the PWM output with the specified ID and channel.
- Type: Select Channel
- Selections: Output_Channels
- Description: Select an output to control
- Type: Decimal
- Description: Duty cycle for the PWM (percent, 0.0 - 100.0)
- Type: Decimal
- Default Value: 50.0
- Description: Duty cycle for the PWM (percent, 0.0 - 100.0)
- Type: Decimal
- Default Value: 1.0
- Description: How much to change the duty cycle every Duration
- Type: Decimal
- Description: How long to ramp from start to finish.
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Send a value to the Output.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will actuate a value output. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"output_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b", "channel": 0, "value": 42}) will send a value to the output with the specified ID and channel.
- Type: Select Channel
- Selections: Output_Channels
- Description: Select an output to control
- Type: Decimal
- Description: The value to send to the output
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Instruct the Output to dispense a volume.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will actuate a volume output. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"output_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b", "channel": 0, "volume": 42}) will send a volume to the output with the specified ID and channel.
- Type: Select Channel
- Selections: Output_Channels
- Description: Select an output to control
- Type: Decimal
- Description: The volume to send to the output
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Lower the Setpoint of a PID.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will lower the setpoint of the selected PID Controller. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"pid_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b", "amount": 2}) will lower the setpoint of the PID with the specified ID.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the PID Controller to lower the setpoint of
- Type: Decimal
- Description: The amount to lower the PID setpoint by
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Pause a PID.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will pause the selected PID Controller. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value="959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b") will pause the PID Controller with the specified ID.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the PID Controller to pause
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Raise the Setpoint of a PID.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will raise the setpoint of the selected PID Controller. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"pid_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b", "amount": 2}) will raise the setpoint of the PID with the specified ID.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the PID Controller to raise the setpoint of
- Type: Decimal
- Description: The amount to raise the PID setpoint by
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Resume a PID.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will resume the selected PID Controller. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value="959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b") will resume the PID Controller with the specified ID.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the PID Controller to resume
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Select a method to set the PID to use.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will pause the selected PID Controller. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"pid_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b", "method_id": "fe8b8f41-131b-448d-ba7b-00a044d24075"}) will set a method for the PID Controller with the specified IDs.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the PID Controller to apply the method
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the Method to apply to the PID
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Set the Setpoint of a PID.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will set the setpoint of the selected PID Controller. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"setpoint": 42}) will set the setpoint of the PID Controller (e.g. 42). You can also specify the PID ID (e.g. value={"setpoint": 42, "pid_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b"})
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the PID Controller to pause
- Type: Decimal
- Description: The setpoint to set the PID Controller
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Send an email.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will email the specified recipient(s) using the SMTP credentials in the system configuration. Separate multiple recipients with commas. The body of the email will be the self-generated message. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"email_address": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"], "message": "My message"}) will send an email to the specified recipient(s) with the specified message.
- Type: Text
- Default Value: [email protected]
- Description: E-mail recipient(s) (separate multiple addresses with commas)
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Take a photo and send an email with it attached.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will take a photo and email it to the specified recipient(s) using the SMTP credentials in the system configuration. Separate multiple recipients with commas. The body of the email will be the self-generated message. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"camera_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b", "email_address": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"], "message": "My message"}) will capture a photo using the camera with the specified ID and send an email to the specified email(s) with message and attached photo.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the Camera to take a photo with
- Type: Text
- Default Value: [email protected]
- Description: E-mail recipient(s). Separate multiple with commas.
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Restart the System
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will restart the system in 10 seconds.
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Shutdown the System
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will shut down the system in 10 seconds.
- Manufacturer: Mycodo
- Works with: Functions
Emits a HTTP request when triggered. The first line contains a HTTP verb (GET, POST, PUT, ...) followed by a space and the URL to call. Subsequent lines are optional "name: value"-header parameters. After a blank line, the body payload to be sent follows. {{{message}}} is a placeholder that gets replaced by the message, {{{quoted_message}}} is the message in an URL safe encoding.
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will run the Action.
- Description: HTTP request to execute
- Manufacturer: Display
- Works with: Functions
Set the display backlight color
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will change the backlight color on the selected display. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"display_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b", "color": "255,0,0"}) will change the backlight color on the controller with the specified ID and color.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the display to set the backlight color
- Type: Text
- Default Value: 255,0,0
- Description: Color as R,G,B values (e.g. "255,0,0" without quotes)
- Manufacturer: Display
- Works with: Functions
Turn display backlight off
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will turn the backlight off for the selected display. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"display_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b"}) will turn the backlight off for the controller with the specified ID.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the display to turn the backlight off
- Manufacturer: Display
- Works with: Functions
Turn display backlight on
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will turn the backlight on for the selected display. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"display_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b"}) will turn the backlight on for the controller with the specified ID.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the display to turn the backlight on
- Manufacturer: Display
- Works with: Functions
Turn display flashing off
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will stop the backlight flashing on the selected display. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"display_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b"}) will stop the backlight flashing on the controller with the specified ID.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the display to stop flashing the backlight
- Manufacturer: Display
- Works with: Functions
Turn display flashing on
Usage: Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID") will start the backlight flashing on the selected display. Executing self.run_action("ACTION_ID", value={"display_id": "959019d1-c1fa-41fe-a554-7be3366a9c5b"}) will start the backlight flashing on the controller with the specified ID.
- Type: Select Device
- Description: Select the display to start flashing the backlight