Genomics data is not tidy - the tidiest I could come up with. Heavily borrowed from Thomas Lin Pedersen and his great ggraph package.
Make ggplot work with untidy data. Use layouts and tracks.
p <- gggenomes(emale_seqs[1:6,], emale_genes, emale_tirs, emale_links) %>%
add_features(emale_transposons, emale_gc) %>%
add_subfeatures(genes, emale_blast, transform="aa2nuc") %>%
add_clusters(genes, emale_cogs) %>%
flip_bins(3:5) +
geom_seq() +
geom_bin_label() +
geom_link(offset = c(0.3, 0.2), color="white", alpha=.3) +
geom_feature(aes(color="terminal inverted repeat"), size=4, data=use_features(2)) +
geom_feature(aes(color="integrated transposon"), size=7, data=use_features(emale_transposons)) +
geom_gene(aes(fill=cluster_label)) +
geom_feature(aes(color=blast_desc), data=use_features(emale_blast), size=2, position="pile") +
geom_ribbon(aes(x=(x+xend)/2, ymax=y+.24, ymin=y+.38-(.4*score), group=seq_id, linetype="GC-content"), use_features(emale_gc), fill="blue", alpha=.5) +
scale_fill_brewer("Conserved genes", palette="Set3") +
scale_color_viridis_d("Blast hits & Features", direction = -1) +
scale_linetype("Graphs") +
ggtitle(expression(paste("Endogenous mavirus-like elements of ", italic("C. burkhardae"))))