Vusion Frontend is build with CakePHP2.0.5.
$ mkdir Development $ cd Development $ git clone <this repository> # Then retrive the Plugins and the Backend $ git submodule init $ git submodule update
Install Composer which is a dependency manager for installing Cakephp package
$ sudo apt-get install php $ sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt $ sudo apt-get install curl #After move to the composer folder in vusion-forntend $ cd composer #In the folder the file "composer.json" contains the list of the required package. # When still inside the composer folder run the command below # to install cakephp and other packages $ composer install # if installed globaly or $ php composer.phar install
NB: For more information about Composer click here
You need to add the following folders: persistent & model under dir app/tmp/cache
$ mkdir vusion-forntend/app/tmp/cache $ mkdir vusion-forntend/app/tmp/cache/persistent $ mkdir vusion-forntend/app/tmp/cache/model
You must change the permissions of the cache folder and it's subfolders to use www-data user who is the apache user.
$ chown -R www-data app/tmp/cache
$ sudo apt-get install apache2 $ sudo apt-get install mongoDB # (>=2.6) $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server
Note: phpmyadmin to work may require you to configure the apache2.conf file by including this line: include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf at the bottom.
Modules need to be install and configure in PHP
MongoDB PHP: |
$ pecl install mongo-1.5.6 |
Redis PHP: |
$ phpize && ./configure && make && sudo make install |
- Pear and PHPUnit Installation
$ sudo apt-get install php-pear $ sudo pear channel-discover $ sudo pear channel-discover $ sudo pear channel-discover $ sudo pear channel-discover $ sudo pear update-channels $ sudo pear install --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit-3.7.27
- Note if PHPUnit fails, first upgrade pear with the command below
$ pear upgrade pear - try the PHPUnit again
$ sudo pear install --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit
To run the different build task from build.xml, you need to install
- Jdk6
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre;
- Ant
$ sudo apt-get install -u ant; or sudo apt-get install ant;
Vusion is using 2 database engines. The first one is the Relational Database for authentication, Access Control List, User management. The default relational database is PostGres, but anyother can be used by modifying app/config/database.php. The second one is the Document Database MongoDB for the business data. (installation of MongoDB version2.x Server)
Relational Database Configuration: You can create the relational database schema from file app/Config/Schema/schema.php with the cake console
$ ./lib/Cake/Console/cake schema create
If file schema.php is not found, you can also create the database using Mysql by importing a file app/Config/Schema/schema.sql with phpmyadmin tool.
1.On your phpmyadmin home go to more tab and in the drop dpwn select import 2.Browse the file you went to import in this case schema.sql 3.Tick the checkbox with donot auto increment and press go
or in the mysql console type "mysql -u root-p < app/Config/Schema/schema.sql"
Create a userLogin and password in the Mysql account database which must correspond to ones in the app/Config/database.php
1. On your phpmyadmin home go to phpmyadmin tab 2. Click on add a new user 3. Feelin the infromation but on Host select local and Global privileges check all then press go
while in the mysql console,navigate to to users table and create two users; "cake" and "cake_test" and grant all privileges to these users by issuing the commands below
1. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'cake'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; 2. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'cake_test'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
Run vusion.sql
mysql -u root -p < app/Test/data/mySQL/vusion.sql
To add an index on the timestamp in the user_logs collection with mongo, run the command below inside the vusion-frontend folder
$ mongo app/Config/vusion_mongo_init.js
You need to configure you webserver according to cakephp2.x requirements. First the DocumentRoot pointing at the app/webroot folder. Second make app/tmp file writable by the webserver.
You need to first install apache2-prefork-dev
$ sudo apt-get install apache2-prefork-dev
Then you clone the mod_xsendfile file from github
$ git clone /opt/mod_xsendfile
Note /opt/mod_xsendfile is destination whereyou are storing the cloned file
Compile the file you have cloned. Run this command in the mod_xsednfile directory, in our case /opt/mod_xsendfile
$ apxs2 -cia mod_xsendfile.c
Add this line XSendFilePath <documentroot>/files/programs/ inside your apache configuration for virtual hosts
if you're using Lamp server add it in httpd.config. otherwise, add it in ** /etc/apache/sites-available/default **
Don't forget to change permissions on the */files/programs/ * directory
Note: We also want apache www folder to have access to our project folder; we are going to have to create a symlink folder inside the apache www hence when project folder files are updated apache can have access to the updates. go to command -
$ ln -s /actual project folder path/ /symlink folder path in the apache www/
In the /etc/apach2/port.conf file add this listen port
NameVirtualHost *:81 Listen 81
The below system configuration is shortcut to set up environment for developers. So one only have to follow the below tutorial to quickly get started. The main idea is to have a virtual machine running on your computer. Your computer is refered as host, the virtual machine is refered as guest. The guest machine is a 3GB linux box with Vusion installed and configure.
This works on all Operating Systems:
Install VirtualBox Install Vagrant Install Github Install rubygems sudo apt-get install rubygems-integration Install ffi sudo gem install ffi
Now you have all the installation for the vusion frontend. You need now to setup where the work project is going to be saved in your System.
Port Forwarding The following port are exposed from the guest machine to the host.
http port guest:80 == host:4567 # for web access guest:9010 == host:4568 # for supervisord monitoringruning tests in your host environment, usefull when running an debugger in IDE guest:27017 == host:27017 # for Mongodb guest:6379 == host:6379 # for Redispushing message to the default transports, usefull for faking interaction with operator/aggregator guest:2221 == host:2221 guest:2222 == host:2223
Folder Sync In order to allow editing source code on the host, some folders are synced between from the host to the guest. We have experience various Vagrant option to sync folders and it appears that the default r_sync was not working properly. Therefore we had to use nfs on Unix systems and smb on Windows which are working fine and with good performances.
Only specific source folders are synced in order to avoid conflict on compiled file.
Open PowerShell as admin by right clicking on the PowerShell icon and selecting "Run as Admin".
Enter the followig commands in the PowerShell.
$ mkdir c:\Development $ cd c:\Development
Now you are in the directory where you are going to work form so do the commands below.
$ git clone # Then retrive the Plugins and the Backend $ git submodule init $ git submodule update
Contact "techteam(AT)texttochage(DOT)com", ask for the file and add it into c:\Development\vusion-frontend
- Using your IDE Open and edit the vagrantfile in "c:\Development\vusion-forntend\vagrantfile"
Edit line 5: `config.vm.box_url = "file:///Users/olivier/Development/vusion/"` to to the file location of your development directory.
We also have the synced, here the
has to change totype:smb
, for more information about why the type changes read the link below.
Run this command in the PowerShell to start Vagrant and virtualbox
$ vagrant up Enter the URL: localhost:4567 in your web browser vusion login page will show
Note: To add an index on the timestamp in the user_logs collection with mongo, run the command below on the Guest machine inside the /var/vusion/ folder
$ mongo app/Config/vusion_mongo_init.js
Settingup git flow to enable you create feature from branches for easy and organised development
Download and install
from the util-linux-package intoC:\Program Files\Git\bin
. (Onlygetopt.exe
, the others util-linux files are not used). Also installlibintl3.dll
from the Dependencies packages (libintl and libiconv), into the same directory- Open a new Powershell as admin and create a directory.
$ mkdir c:\Installgitflow $ cd c:\Installgitflow
- Clone the gitflow source from GitHub.
$ git clone --recursive git:// $ cd gitflow\contrib
Run the msysgit-install script from a command-line prompt
$ msysgit-install
Install Python cause most of the backend development and testing are in pyhton and also install pip cause we need it install/run the virtual environment for backend testing.
Dowload the MSI installer from Select 32/64 bit based on your system setting
Run the installer. Be sure to check the option to add Python to your PATH while installing.
Open PowerShell as admin by right clicking on the PowerShell icon and selecting ‘Run as Admin’.
To solve permission issues, run the following command.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Enter the following commands in PowerShell.
mkdir c:\envs cd c:\envs
Download the following files into your new folder.
so now you have something like : 'c:\envs\' and 'c:\envs\'.
Run the following commands in you terminal.
python c:\envs\ python c:\envs\
Note Once these commands run successfully, you can delete the scripts and
Now typing pip should work. If it doesn’t it means the Scripts folder is not in your path. Run the next command in that case (Note that this command must be run only once or your PATH will get longer and longer). Make sure to replace c:Python27Scripts with the correct location of your Python installation
setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Python27\Scripts" Close and reopen PowerShell after running this command.
To create a Virtual Environment, use the following commands.
cd c:\python pip install virtualenv pip install –no-deps -r requirements.pip
Note: If you have varasall.bat fill missing please install visual studio C+++
If you have Visual Studio 2010 installed, execute SET VS90COMNTOOLS=%VS100COMNTOOLS% or with Visual Studio 2012 installed (Visual Studio Version 11) SET VS90COMNTOOLS=%VS110COMNTOOLS% or with Visual Studio 2013 installed (Visual Studio Version 12) SET VS90COMNTOOLS=%VS120COMNTOOLS%
To run the virtual Environment and backend tests.
virtualenv ve .\ve\Scripts\activate python ve\Scripts\trial.phy vusion