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Test suite for the Tezos blockchain using the Tezt framework

This directory contains a test suite for Octez (an implementation of the Tezos blockchain) based on Tezt. Tezt is a generic test framework that is used for writing tests in OCaml.

The directory includes the sources of the Tezt framework, its extension with specific support for Tezos (called Tezt-Tezos), and a whole test suite.

API Documentation

The user manual of the testsuite is available online at

The APIs of the tezt and tezt-tezos libraries are documented in the interface files (suffix mli). Both APIs are also available online at


This directory contains the following subdirectories:

  • lib_tezos defines another OCaml library named tezt-tezos which is specific to Octez, complementing the above with Octez-specific features.

  • lib_performance_regression defines another OCaml library named tezt-performance-regression which implements the so-called Long Test Framework (LTF). It provides ways to register tests that are to be run on dedicated "executors" with stable performances. It features InfluxDB and Grafana integration for measures, and Slack integration for alerts.

  • tests defines an OCaml executable which gathers automatic tests written for Tezos.

  • manual_tests defines an OCaml executable which gathers manual tests written for Tezos. A manual test is a test which requires extra configuration and cannot be set up easily in the CI.

  • long_tests defines an OCaml executable which gathers tests that are run on the LTF (see lib_performance_regression above).

  • remote_tests defines an OCaml executable with some Octez tests that serve as examples for the ability of Tezt to run external executables through SSH.

  • vesting_contract_test defines an OCaml executable which gathers tests for the vesting contract. Those tests are too long to run in the CI, the goal is to run them manually. (They could be moved to manual_tests.)

  • self_tests defines an OCaml executable with some tests that test other libraries in this directory (in particular tezt itself).

  • snoop defines an OCaml executable that performs benchmarks for gas.

  • tests/expected/ defines a set of output expected from a call to an RPC or from some OCaml value serialized to JSON. If a file is added into this repository, it should be also added in the regression test which can be either tests/ or tests/

  • records contains records of the time taken by tests, and a script that updates them. Records are used by the CI to distribute tests in jobs of roughly equal duration. To update it, get a recent CI pipeline ID and run (from the root of the Tezos repository):

      dune exec scripts/ci/update_records/update.exe -- -i --from PIPELINE_ID
      git add tezt/records
      git commit -m 'Tezt: update records'

Implementation Details

Tezt is implemented in the OCaml language. Currently, the project ensures that libraries tezt and tezt-tezos do not depend on any library of Tezos. The motto of the library is to provide an extensive but simple test framework for Tezos.

An important feature of tezt-tezos is the possibility to catch events emitted by the node. This allows fine-grained tests. In particular, as much as possible, a test in this testsuite should avoid the use of timeouts and instead, should rely on events if possible.

The implementation of the tezt library is detailed in its own documentation in the lib/ file.

Declaring test ownership with TESTOWNERS.json

TESTOWNERS.json is a JSON file mapping 'products' to tests. It's used to declare test ownership by attaching tests to products. Through this file, developers and automated tooling can know what product team is responsible for the maintenance of which test.

In pseudo-TypeScript, the schema of TESTOWNERS.json is:

  tags?: string[];
  path_patterns?: string[];

where the top-level element of TESTOWNERS.json has the type TESTOWNERS.

Semantically, each PRODUCT_NAME - PRODUCT_SPEC association in TESTOWNERS corresponds to a product and a set of Tezt test tags and path patterns to associated with the product. Path patterns are interpreted as Perl-style regular expressions such that a pattern P matches all tests with a ~__FILE__ that matches P. Tags match all the tests with the given tag. The full set of tests associated to a product is the union of all tests matched by any of the tags or the path patterns associated to the test. Each of the fields tags and path_patterns are optional, and their absence is interpreted as the empty list.

Note that path_patterns should be acceptable by the --match option or the =~ TSL operator in Tezt. For instance, a valid TESTOWNERS.json is:

    "layer1": {
        "tags": ["michelson"],
        "path_patterns": [

This example defines a product called layer1 and declares that all tezts tagged michelson or which are registered with ~__FILE__ in src/proto_.*/lib_protocol/ (that is, /src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol but also similar tests for any other supported Tezos protocol) belong to the Layer 1 product.

In other words, this TEZTOWNERS entry declares the Layer 1 product to be the owner of the union of the results returned by:

tezt 'michelson || file =~ "^src/proto_.*\/lib_protocol/"'

To see all the tests associated with a product, run:

scripts/ PRODUCT

To see the products associated with a set of tests, run:

scripts/ --reverse TSL_EXPRESSION