WebSockets (hybi13/RFC) and client for Android
WiFi Based Indoor Positioning System, A MVP android Application
Android application for mapping the access point strengths for a current location. Will be used to create a fingerprint of an indoor position.
Android indoor positioning software for interface technologies course
Undergraduate students and non-regular visitors (e.g. guest lecturers) often have problems finding certain rooms or people on campus. By the use of Smartphones with integrated GPS devices, navigati…
Indoor Tracking is an application for Android phones, that tracks your walking in indoor environment.
This project introduces how to conduct indoor positioning using multi-sensors, including WiFi and mobile sensors, such as accelerometer and magnetometer.We use KNN algorithm to deal with WiFi RSS a…
The Airplace Indoor Positioning Platform for Android Smartphones
Indoor Localization by Wifi/Gyroscope/Accelerometer; made at Dropbox Hack Week 2013
easy floor map android open source app, sources and APK's
Android application for indoor navigation and localization, contextualized in a museum
EKF Indoor Tracker estimates static user position by using extended kalman filters
Wi-fi indoor positioning system based on a non blocking TCP-sockets server, an android application and customized OpenWRT hosting router daemons
A Git mirror of Redpin indoor positioning code from
Record signal strengths to train indoor tracking app
Desktop application to view and analyse indoor navigation data
The Android online fingerprinting application for the "Framework for Indoor Positioning on Mobile Devices"
Basement Android project for fingerprint-based indoor positioning system
SOEN 390 Project - Indoor/Outdoor Directional Android App