AVD container with Ansible AVD and Ansible AVD collections installed
is a close replica of avd-base
container. The major difference is that Ansible AVD and Ansible CVP collections are pre-installed and container is ready to use.
For details, check avd-base container documentation. This readme only includes essential how-to instructions to avoid double maintenance.
in AVD inventory repository must have following settings for avd-all-in-one container to work correctly: collections_paths = /home/avd/ansible-cvp:/home/avd/ansible-avd:/home/avd/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections
If you have to override that for development purposes, mount ansible-avd or ansible-cvp repositories from your machine to /home/avd/ansible-cvp
or /home/avd/ansible-avd
manually or using similar settings in vscode.json
"mounts": [
Execute following command to run the avd-all-in-one container manually:
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/home/avd/projects/ ankudinov/avd-base
Type exit
to leave the container environment.
Create .devcontainer
directory in your AVD inventory repository. Create devcontainer.json
inside this directory.
Use following devcontainer.json
to start:
// For format details, see https://aka.ms/devcontainer.json. For config options, see the README at:
// https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-dev-containers/tree/v0.183.0/containers/python-3
"name": "AVD",
"image": "avdteam/avd-all-in-one:latest",
// Set *default* container specific settings.json values on container create.
"settings": {
"python.testing.pytestPath": "/root/.local/bin/pytest",
"python.pythonPath": "/usr/local/bin/python",
"python.languageServer": "Pylance",
"python.linting.enabled": true,
"python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,
"python.formatting.autopep8Path": "/usr/local/py-utils/bin/autopep8",
"python.formatting.blackPath": "/usr/local/py-utils/bin/black",
"python.formatting.yapfPath": "/usr/local/py-utils/bin/yapf",
"python.linting.banditPath": "/usr/local/py-utils/bin/bandit",
"python.linting.flake8Path": "/usr/local/py-utils/bin/flake8",
"python.linting.mypyPath": "/usr/local/py-utils/bin/mypy",
"python.linting.pycodestylePath": "/usr/local/py-utils/bin/pycodestyle",
"python.linting.pydocstylePath": "/usr/local/py-utils/bin/pydocstyle",
"python.linting.pylintPath": "/usr/local/py-utils/bin/pylint"
// Add the IDs of extensions you want installed when the container is created.
"extensions": [
"containerEnv": {
"ANSIBLE_CONFIG": "./ansible.cfg"
// Comment out connect as root instead. More info: https://aka.ms/vscode-remote/containers/non-root.
"remoteUser": "avd"
Unfortunately devcontainer.json
is not yet supported with VScode Remote-SSH plugin. You can track recent development here.
The easiest way to use avd-all-in-one container with remote SSH is creating a simple alias: alias avd="sudo docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/home/avd/projects/ avdteam/avd-all-in-one"
-v ${pwd}/:/home/avd/projects
in docker run
command may not work as expected in MacOS or some Linux distributions. Use -v $(pwd)/:/home/avd/projects
On a Linux system incorrect permissions set on an AVD inventory repository can break execution of Ansible commands inside the AVD container.