- Download the latest release of the plugin
- Un-zip
- Double-click on ./sketch-ignore.sketchplugin
(!) As of now, since the Sketch Team has yet to release the documentation for Cloud components, the plugin is incomplete and you have to manually use a keyboard shortcut to hide/show components.
sketch-ignore is supposed to work like .gitignore
for Sketch Cloud.
- It ignores specific layers when uploading files to Sketch Cloud.
- This is especially useful when your programmer views your designs from the Sketch Cloud Inspector online and requires to be able to see the specifics of your design.
- Sometimes, you may have layers such as safe areas, that although are transparent, block all your other layers.
- This prevents your programmer from being able to click on to layers underneath the safe area layer.
- This can be solved by hiding layers that you do not wish to be uploaded.
- However, this is troublesome if you have many such layers.
- Thus, you may use sketch-ignore to hide the layers each time you upload automatically
As of now, since the Sketch Team has yet to release the documentation for Cloud components, there are only two things you may do:
- Edit the string of text sketch-ignore looks for at the beginning of layer names, when hiding layers. The default indicator is \\ (double backslash).
- Toggle between hide and show layers. Will be removed when the Sketch Team releases the documentation for Cloud components.