For bigger projects
JS framework: React; Build tool: Webpack; UI style framework: Not included, can be chosen by demand; Router: react-router-dom; Style sheet type: Scss.
- -public
A folder we do not recommend to use, just keep it for a specific need of static resources.
- -src
- assets
- images
- styles All scss files location.
- components
- tests Unit tests folder, tests can be added later according to the schedule requirement.
- common All the common components for the application.
- utils Tools js files for helping development.
- router Application router configurations.
- views
All page views files.
- App.vue Application entry vue file.
- index.tsx Application entry file.
- webpack
Application build tool customized configuration file.
- webpack.common.js common configuration
- dev environment configuration
- production environment configuration
- .env.development development environment variables
- .eslintrc.cjs eslint configurations
- package.json Application packages and version management file.
- assets
Recommended IDE Setup VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).
Customize configuration See Webpack5 Configuration Reference.
Project Setup npm install Compile and Hot-Reload for Development npm run start Compile and Minify for Production npm run build Run Unit Tests npm run test