Detailed instructions for running this example can be found at This document contains the summary of the commands to be run.
# Setup environment and aliases
# Bring up initial cluster and commerce keyspace
# Insert and verify data
mysql < ../common/insert_commerce_data.sql
mysql --table < ../common/select_commerce_data.sql
# Bring up customer keyspace
# Initiate move tables
vtctlclient MoveTables -source commerce -tables 'customer,corder' Create customer.commerce2customer
# Validate
vtctlclient VDiff customer.commerce2customer
# Cut-over
vtctlclient MoveTables -tablet_types=rdonly,replica SwitchTraffic customer.commerce2customer
vtctlclient MoveTables -tablet_types=primary SwitchTraffic customer.commerce2customer
# Clean-up
vtctlclient MoveTables Complete customer.commerce2customer
# Prepare for resharding
# Reshard
vtctlclient Reshard -source_shards '0' -target_shards '-80,80-' Create customer.cust2cust
# Validate
vtctlclient VDiff customer.cust2cust
# Cut-over
vtctlclient Reshard -tablet_types=rdonly,replica SwitchTraffic customer.cust2cust
vtctlclient Reshard -tablet_types=primary SwitchTraffic customer.cust2cust
# Down shard 0
vtctlclient DeleteShard -recursive customer/0
# Down cluster