CPU Sparse Voxel Octree Implementation
ManifoldPlus: A Robust and Scalable Watertight Manifold Surface Generation Method for Triangle Soups
TTK - Topological Data Analysis and Visualization - Source Code
Simple C++ implementation of the (manifold) dual marching cubes algorithm from Gregory M. Nielson
An implementation of the Dual Contouring algorithm based on the reference code
found and rescued from
C++ application that implements volume ray casting in GPU using GLSL.
Real-time meshing the contours of 3D scalar fields with the dual contouring algorithm in plain C++ and OpenGL/CUDA. Along with seam handling and growable octrees.
Optimization is good or bad depends on the principle of optimization techniques, but also on the structure of the data represents. Skiping free space technologies is suitable for treating a large n…